शुक्रवार, 29 अप्रैल 2022

गंगा, यमुना, सिंधु, कावेरी.../ भारत का नदी-गीत


"गङ्गे  यमुने चैव गोदावरि सरस्वति
 नर्मदे सिन्धु कावेरि जलेऽस्मिन् संनिधिं कुरु
-ब्रह्मवैवर्तपुराण-ब्रह्मखण्ड अध्याय २६, श्लोक ६६ 
अर्थ : हे गंगे, यमुने, गोदावरी, सरस्वती, नर्मदे, सिंधु तथा  कावेरी, 
आप सब नदियां मेरे स्नानके जलमें आएं (आकर इसे पवित्र करें)।

गंगा, यमुना, सरस्वती,
सिंधु, कावेरी, नर्मदा,
जलेऽस्मिन् संनिधिं कुरु।
जलेऽस्मिन् संनिधिं कुरु।।

गंगा, यमुना, सिंधु, कावेरी, 
नर्मदा, गोदावरी, श्री सरस्वती।  
अलकनंदा, जान्ह्वी, ब्रह्मपुत्र, गोमती,
तुंगभद्रा, स्वर्णरेखा, मयूराक्षी, पार्वती।। 
गंगा, यमुना...
गंगा, यमुना...
गंगा, यमुना...
गंगा, यमुना...

भागीरथी, कविनी, शरावती,
साबरमती, अमरावती, ताप्ती। 
मन्दाकिनी, सरयू, नेत्रवाती 
कुण्डली, महानदी, पम्पा, बेतवती 

सोन वैतरणी ....

'Rivers of India' is a tribute to the timeless spirit of India
that accords a revered place to precious water resources.
Conceived and created by IITM Distinguished Alumnus
Kanniks Kannikeswaran, this music video is produced by
the International Center for Clean Water, IIT Madras to
promote awareness about the need for conserving and
protecting water resources. It is released on Earth Day 2021.
CREDITS Bombay Jayashri Kaushiki Chakraborty Rishith Desikan Amrit Ramnath Music Composed by Kanniks Kannikeswaran Conceptualization, Script and Lyrics Kanniks Kannikeswaran (Inspired by the names of rivers from all over India and a phrase
from the first millennium Tamil epic Silappathikaram)
Silapadhikaram is one of the five great epics in Tamil literature.
It is the story that is known for its unique plot which covers 
the life of a common man and not a king like other literary 
works. Also the story progresses in all the three major Chola,
Chera and Pandya kingdom in its three parts (called kaandam in tamil).
In the first part - pugaar kaandam, in chapter (kaathai in tamil) 
kanal vari, the conversation between kovalan and madhavi involving 
kaveri is as follows.
“Poovar solai mayilala
purindhu kuilgal isai pada
kamar malai arugu asaiya
nadanthai vazhi kaveri ! " (
नाणंदाई वाडी कावेरी )

"nadanthai vazhi kaveri ! " - phrase means the eternal river Kaveri.

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