शुक्रवार, 31 जनवरी 2020

पिबरे राम रसम् .../ सदाशिव ब्रम्हेंद्र (१८वीं शताब्दी) / उत्तरा उन्नीकृष्णन


Pibare Rama Rasam (Sanskrit)

Sadashiva Brahmendra 
Sadasiva Brahmendra was a saint, composer of Carnatic music 
and Advaita philosopher who lived near Kumbakonam, Tamil Nadu, 
during the 18th century (Died 1755). He composed mainly in Sanskrit. 
Only a few of his compositions have survived, but they are recognised 
as great compositions of Carnatic music. 

पिबरे राम रसम् रसने
पिबरे राम रसम्
दूरीकृत पातक  संसर्गम्
पूरित नानाविध फल वर्गम्
जनन मरण भय शोक  विदूरम्
सकल शास्त्र निगमागम सारम्
परिपालित सरसिज गर्भाण्डं 
परम पवित्री कृत पाषाण्डम्
शुद्ध परमहम्स आश्रम गीतं
शुक शौनक कौशिक मुख पीतम्
English translation
Translated by

Drink the nectar of Rama, 
Oh connoisseur, Drink the nectar of Rama.

Which removes the society of sinners
And fills you up with the fruits of many types.

Which removes the fear and sorrow of death and birth,
And which is the essence of all holy books including Vedas.

Which is the egg that looks after Lord Brahma,
And which makes you extremely pure.

Which is the pure music of sages in their Ashram,
And which can be heard from the face of,
Sages like Shuka , Shaunaka and Kaushika.

बुधवार, 29 जनवरी 2020

स्वीकारो शारदे !.....


स्वीकारो शारदे !

-अरुण मिश्र 

अंजलि भर-
भाव के प्रसून,
चुटकी भर-
प्राणों की गन्ध,
शारदे !

मानस की जल लहरी चरणों तक-
ले   आई   कुछ   सीपी   शंख,
अन्तस्  का  बाल-विहग स्तुति में-
फड़काता रेशम    के     पंख।।

श्रद्धा  का-
शतमुखी प्रवाह-
बाँधे,   ये-
थोड़े  से छन्द,

रोली,   रक्तिमता    तरुणाई  की,
जीवन  की  शीतलता  का  चन्दन,
जलधर्मी    यायावर बादल    सा-
थम-थम कर, करता मन अभिनन्दन।।

थोड़े  से-
तेरे  ही शब्द;
शब्दों में-
नमन हेतु  द्वन्द;

अंजलि भर-
भाव के प्रसून,                                  
चुटकी भर-
प्राणों की गन्ध-
शारदे !

रस-रंग-सिक्त-सुन्दर वसंत....

रस-रंग-सिक्त-सुन्दर वसंत
-अरुण मिश्र 

आया वसंत।
आया वसंत।
मेरे मन में -
लहरें अनन्त।।

            रंगों  का  ज्वार  उठे  जिनमें,
            हर  पुष्प-पुष्प  लगता  सागर।
            उपवन की  कली-कली आतुर -
            छलकाती निज मधु-रस-गागर।।

है पवन -
सुरभित हैं -
सारे दिग्-दिगंत।
सुन्दर वसंत।
मेरे मन में -
लहरें अनन्त।।     

            मंथर-मंथर      मादक-बयार।
            कण-कण में  यौवन का उभार।
            पल्लवित  लतायें,  पुष्पित  तरु,
            नत  आम्र-विटप,  मंजरी-भार।।

है प्रकृति लुटाती -
अपनी -
सुषमा-निधियॉ अनन्त।
मंजुल, मोहक,
मनहर, वसंत।
मेरे मन में -
लहरें अनन्त।।

            बगिया-बगिया    कोयल बोले।
            पुरवइया,    अवगुंठन   खोले।
            चुनरियॉ-वसंती,   बल  खाती- 
             फिरतीं,   अॅगना-अॅगना  डोलें।।

करता है तन-मन -
घुलता है -
जीवन में वसंत।
मृदु , मधुर, मदिर
मादक, वसंत।
मेरे मन में -
लहरें अनन्त।।

            हैं,   वन-उपवन  महके-महके।
            विहगों के  स्वर,  चहके-चहके।
            बहके-बहके      आबालवृद्ध -
            गा  रहे  फाग,  लहके-लहके।।

मधु-रस-प्लावित -
सब जड़-चेतन;
झर-झर झरता -
निर्झर, वसंत।
जीवन के -
श्वेत-श्याम छवि में -
दे, इंद्रधनुष-रंग -
भर वसंत।।

आया वसंत।
छाया वसंत।
मेरे मन में -
लहरें अनन्त।।

रविवार, 26 जनवरी 2020

प्रियं भारतं.../ चंद्र भानु त्रिपाठी / गैब्रिएला बर्नेल

This british lady sings a song for Bharat in Sanskrit
Her name is Gabriella Burnel and she loves Sanskrit 
so much that she has done Masters in this language. 
She also teaches Sanskrit in UK and has deep respect 
towards Bharat.

Priyam Bharatam,
a poem by Shri Chandrabhanu Tripathi
For all those who have ever been inspired by the beauty of the land,
the beauty of the people, the beauty of the culture, the spirit of India. And for all those yet to fall in love...

प्रकृत्या सुरम्यं विशालं प्रकामम् सरित्तारहारैः ललालं निकामम् हिमाद्रिः ललाटे पदे चैव सिन्धुः प्रियं भारतं सर्वथा दर्शनीयम् धनानां निधानं धरायां प्रधानम् इदं भारतं देवलोकेन तुल्यम् यशो यस्य शुभ्रं विदेशेषु गीतम् प्रियं भारतं तत् सदा पूजनीयम् अनेके प्रदेशा अनेके च वेषाः अनेकानि रूपाणि भाषा अनेकाः परं यत्र सर्वे वयं भारतीयाः प्रियं भारतं तत् सदा रक्षणीयम् सुधीरा जना यत्र युद्धेषु वीराः शरीरार्पणेनापि रक्षन्ति देशम् स्वधर्मानुरक्ताः सुशीलाश्च नार्यः प्रियं भारतं तत् सदा श्लाघनीयम् वयं भारतीयाः स्वभूमिं नमामः परं धर्ममेकं सदा मानयामः यदर्थं धनं जीवनं चार्पयामः प्रियं भारतं तत् सदा वन्दनीयम्

Translation :

Naturally lovely Very delightful Carrying to us rivers and stars Charming and beautiful On her forehead, the Himalaya mountain At her feet, the sea Beloved India, always beautiful Receptacle of wealth, ever flowing This India, equal with paradise Whose fame, shining, a song among foreign lands Beloved India, always to be worshipped Many regions Many apparels Many forms Many languages Where we all are Indians Beloved India, always to be protected Where the people are wise, heroes in battles Offering their bodies, They protect the country, Where the People are of good conduct, fond of their own duty (dharma) Beloved India, always to be praised We bow to the land, to India, The one supreme dharma, we always esteem, For which we offer our wealth, our life, Beloved India, always to be respected

शुक्रवार, 24 जनवरी 2020

शंकर श्री गिरि नाथ प्रभु के.../महाराजा स्वाति थिरुनाल (१८१३-१८४६) कृति / हरिणी जीविता

शंकर श्री गिरि नाथ प्रभु के...
महाराजा स्वाति थिरुनाल कृति 

भाषा : हिन्दी 
राग : हँस आनन्दी 
ताल : आदि 
नृत्य : हरिणी जीविता 

शंकर श्री गिरि नाथ प्रभु के 
नृत्य विराजित चित्रसभा में 

भस्म, त्रिनेत्र, गले रुण्डमाला 
भूतन के संग नाचत भृंगी 

झनन झनन धीन धीन त धीन, घूँघरू बाजे 
देव-मुनि सब गगन विराजे 

ध्रुकु तद्धिम तद्धिम तद्धि धुन बाजे
कोटि मदन जब देखे कि लाजे

ता-तई-त-कित-तक श्रुति गति राजे 
पद्मनाभ मन-कमल विराजे 

ओंकाराकारिणीम..../ कुलदीप एम. पई


बुधवार, 22 जनवरी 2020

ज्ञान-प्रार्थना मंत्र / सूर्य गायत्री


सरस्वती वन्दना  :

या कुन्देन्दुतुषारहारधवला या शुभ्रवस्त्रावृता।
या वीणावरदण्डमण्डितकरा या श्वेतपद्मासना॥
या ब्रह्माच्युत शंकरप्रभृतिभिर्देवैः सदा वन्दिता।
सा माम् पातु सरस्वती भगवती निःशेषजाड्यापहा॥

गायत्री मंत्र   :

ॐ भूर् भुवः स्वः।
तत् सवितुर्वरेण्यं।
भर्गो देवस्य धीमहि।
धियो यो नः प्रचोदयात् ॥

गुरु-वन्दना  :

गुरुर्ब्रह्मा ग्रुरुर्विष्णुः गुरुर्देवो महेश्वरः । 
गुरुः साक्षात् परं ब्रह्म तस्मै श्री गुरवे नमः ॥

असतो मा सद्गमय  :

ॐ असतो मा सद्गमय।
तमसो मा ज्योतिर्गमय।
मृत्योर्मामृतं गमय ॥
ॐ शान्ति शान्ति शान्तिः ॥ – बृहदारण्यकोपनिषद् 1.3.28।

मंगलवार, 21 जनवरी 2020

चिन्नन चिरु किलिये कन्नम्मा.... / सुब्रमण्या भारती (१८८२-१९२१)

Mahakavi Subramanya Bharati (1882-1921), had immortalised the little
baby girl - Kannamma, through his classic poem "Chinnanchiru Kiliye Kannamma"

Vocalists : S.Aishwarya & S.Saundarya are the Great Grand Daughters
of Bharat Ratna M.S.Subbulakshmi and the Grand Daughters of
Dr Radha Viswanathan.

Chinnan Chiru Kiliye

This poem is one of the greatest tributes to being a parent.
It explores the various emotions that parents feel for their offspring. 
The child addressed here may be the god Krishna for whom the poet 
had special affinity, but the child here could very easily be any child. 
Chinnan chirukkiLiyE kaNNammA selvak-kaLanjiyamE
Ennaik-kali theerthey ulagil Etram puriya vandAi
PiLLaik-kaniyamudE kaNNammA pEsum por-chittiramE
ALLi aNaittiDavE en munnE Adi varum tEnE

Odi varugaiyilE kaNNammA uLLam kuLirudaDi       
Adi-tiridal kaNDAl unnaip-pOi Avi tazhuvudaDI
Ucchi tanai mughandAl garuvam Ongi vaLarudaDi
Mecchi unnai oorar pugazhndAl mEni shilirkkudaDI

Kannattil muttamittal uLLam thAn kaL veri koLLudaDi
Unnait-tazhuvidilO kaNnammA unnatham,AgudaDI
Un kaNNil neer vazhindAl ennenjil udiram koTTudaDi
En kaNNin pAvaiyanrO kaNNammA ennuyir ninradanrO?

O tiniest of tiny parrot Kannamma, o treasure trove of all wealth!
You have come into this world to rid me of all my sins and elevate me;
You are as sweet as the nectar of a tender fruit Kannama,
-You are a golden painting that has come alive.
When you come dancing before me, my sweet,
You urge me to pick and cuddle you in delight.

There is such peace in my heart Kannamma when you come running towards me-
My souls engulfs you every time you dance and scamper around me.
Oh! I swell with pride when I plant a kiss on your forehead-
My being shudders when people appreciate and praise you.

Kissing your cheeks accomplishes such great intoxication,
and each embrace grants such ecstasy.
But when a tear drops from your eye, my heart begins to bleed;
Are you not the pupil of my eye Kanamma?
And is my life not entirely thine?

अर्जेन्टीनियाई नृत्यांगना आनन्दिनी दासी का मोहक ओडिसी नृत्य


Anandini Dasi belongs to Argentina and began her Indian classical dance training 
under the guidance of, Argentinean born Indian dancer, Myrta Barvie. Anandini has
been trained in Bharatnatyam and Odissi. She is one of the principal dancers in her
Indian Classical Dance Company in Argentina. Her Bharatnatyam, Guru is
Padamshree Adyar K. Lakshman, and in Odissi Sri arun Kumar Pradhan,
Guru Sri Pratap Narayan and Smt.Sujata Mphapatra.
She has traveled the globe performing and trying to spread the beauty and deepness
of the scared Indian fine arts.

सोमवार, 20 जनवरी 2020

अन्नमाचार्य (१४०८-१५०३) कृति / भरतनाट्यम / हरिणी-मृणालिनी-संजना


Tallapaka Annamacharya (also popularly known as Annamayya), 
(22 May 1408 – 4 April 1503) was a 15th-century Hindu saint and 
the earliest known Indian musician to compose songs called sankirtanas 
in praise of the god Venkateswara, a form of Vishnu. 
He is the first known composer in carnatic music.

A peppy Annamayya Kriti by
Harinie, Mrinalini & Sanjena - Sridevi Nrithyalaya - Bharathanatyam Dance

Annamayya kriti "Tiro tiro javarala" Ragam - Gambhira Nattai Talam - Tisra Adi Dancers: Harinie Jeevitha, Mrinalini Sivakumar & Sanjena Ramesh Oh Alamelu Mangā, who is in the bloom of youth, turn rapidly and
spin around to the rattling sound of instruments, with your necklaces
swaying to and fro! Oh enchantress of the Lord of three worlds, you dance with your face
radiating splendour and sprinkling joy all around! Oh Mother, who wore the garland and offered it to Lord Ranganātha,
Oh inseparable crowned consort of the Lord of Venkata Hills, you make
the Lord happy with your beautiful glances! Oh Alamelu Mangā, turn around and dance to the resounding beats! Credits: Nattuvangam - Dr. Sheela Unnikrishnan Vocal - Sri G Srikanth Mridangam - Sri Guru Bharadwaaj Violin - Sri Embar Kannan Flute - Sri Muthukumar

रविवार, 19 जनवरी 2020

कलिंग नर्तन तिल्लाना / श्री वेंकट कवि

कलिंग नर्तन तिल्लाना 
श्री वेंकट कवि (१७०० -१७६५)

Raga: Gambheera Nattai
Talam: Adi (eight beats)
Language: Sanskrit

  *I will bold the Sanskrit lyrics. The rest of the unbolded text is made up of rhythmic syllables that don’t hold any meaning.
taam dhIm tarana taam dhIna takiTa
describing Krishna’s dance using rhythmic syllables
taam dhIm tarana taam dit takiTa dhigirtakiTa dhigir takiTa tadingiNatOm
taam dhIm tarana taam yamunaataDaaga pankEruhapada

With his lotus-like feet in the water of the Yamuna river…
tAkita tAkita sArasa dala naya
nAyaka sAyaka mudrita jayajaya

Variation: sArisa sArisa sArasa dala nayanAyatha
sAhasa modita jagadiha

…dances the one whose eyes are shaped like lotus petals, the one in whose valor the world is delighted.
taamita tajjam taka tajjam takadika tajjam taam
neela manohara jaala vibhooshana
nirata chalanchala bhujanga nartana
neeraja taDaaga (or dalAD) adika mrudulapada
nikaTa taranga tunga tADanga
nruttaka nruttaka taam tat taai

The beautiful blue-colored one, embellished by his enchantment, is dancing on the tumultuously moving serpent. With footsteps softer than lotus petals, on the turbulent waves, adorned by drops of water, he dances and dances.
taka tadimidhiyada taka
taakiTa takajaga dhigirjaganandham
takajaga takajaga dhigirjaganandham

yamuna taTAka tunga tarangam
himakara sthimita ramita subhAngam
itas tatascara karunApAngam
yadivara hrudaya sarOruhabhrungam

In the waves of the Yamuna river, Krishna’s graceful limbs are soaked in moonlight. His compassionate glance is looking here and there. He is the honeybee to the lotus-like hearts of the great sages.
dinata tillana dinata tillana dinata tillana dhigirtakiTa tillana
tilakasindoora alakasringAra vadana gambeera
uraga phana sanchAra

He has a sindoor tilak on his forehead, curly locks of hair, and a majestic face, and his feet are rapidly hitting the hoods of the serpent.
nandasukumAra navaneeta dadhichora
chanDa manihAra jalajabhava nuta dheera

He is the son of Nanda, the thief of butter and yogurt, the one who is bedecked in jewelry, the fearless one venerated by the god Brahma.
jaya vijayee bhava nandakumAra
vrajajana paramananda kishora
kaliya naTanAnanda gambheera
karunArasayuta bhAva shareera

Victory to you, son of Nanda! You are the adorable child who holds the people of Vraj in rapture, the valiant one delighting in dancing on the Kalinga serpent, the one whose very form is the mood of compassion (karuna rasa).
dheem ta taam ta dheem ta taam ta taai (3)
dimi tadimitakiTa janu
jugunagu nandari tagunagu nandari
dimita tAku dimi tadimitakiTajanu
vraja kumAra mahimAlanka
vanamAla durandara kruta krutAkAra

You are the youthful son of the Vraj region, who is enriched by his own greatness. You are wearing a garland of forest flowers, and you always accomplish your goals.
ta jam ta taka jam ta taka nam ta tagurram ta (2)
tAku janantari tataku janantari
tAku janantari tadimitakiTajanu (2)

adbhuta nartana chitrita mudrita vidyutam udbhavam adbhutam adbhutam (tAku) (2)
By your wonderful, indescribable dance, marked by the flash of lightning, you generate awe and amazement.
diti suta kAla vidhi nuta sheela atisaya neela drutapadalola (tAku)
You vanquished the offspring of Diti (the asuras, or demons), and you are venerated by Brahma, the creator. You have a unique blue color, and you are rapidly stepping on the serpent’s hoods.
ta dimitakita dimitAka dimitakita dimitAka
ta taai ta tOm ta taai dimitakiTa tOm tarikiTa tarikiTa (tAku)
ta dimi ti taiya tarikiTa taka tAka jam
atisaya sukha nirupamakara pAda jam

The movement of your feet and hands gives great happiness to us.
sarasa moha muralirava nAtha
sakala lOka sammOhana geeta

The melodies of your flute give ecstatic passion; you produce music that enchants all the worlds.
tAku tinnan taka tinnan taka taka tA taai taanga tA taai tA
dhigirtaka taka tinnan tAnga tAtaai tAnga tA taai tA
kadamba kisalaya milita noopura
padam calita kruta pAda tAm

Dangling on your feet are anklets made from the slender stalks of kadamba flowers.
tillAna driga tillAna drigadriga tillAnAkitatOm
ga tannan nangiTatom ta tOm ta taai ta tOm
taka tAkita tarikita taam ta deem ta tOm ta taai ta
thyajogabandha thaD bhujanga shirasee caranam calanam
kruthanam druthanam vadanam
jita chandramadam kara kankana kinkini nam na na nam
pada taka taka dimi dimi junu junu taam
ta tAKa tillAna kanaka bhooshana

After being released from the coils of the serpent, your feet are swiftly dancing on its head. Your face is shining with the moon’s beauty, your bangles and anklets are chiming, and you are adorned with golden jewelry.
takiTa tagadtagAya mukhabara mandasss-
mita naravara poojita pada yugalA hari

You have a cheerful smile on your brilliantly gleaming face, and your feet are worshiped by great men.
jaya vijayee bhava nandakumAra
vrajajana paramananda kishora
kaliya naTanAnanda gambheera
karunArasayuta bhAva shareera

Victory to you, son of Nanda! You are the adorable child who holds the people of Vraj in rapture, the valiant one delighting in dancing on the Kalinga serpent, the one whose very form is the mood of compassion (karuna rasa).
mada madhukara madhupa taraLa sama
nayana kamaladaLa, calana
muni hrudayam api chora chaatura
muraari sreekara

Like the stinger of a honey-intoxicated bee, with your ever-moving lotus-petal-like eyes, you are an expert in stealing the hearts of even pure sages. Oh compassionate one, you vanquished the demon Mura and you possess all the divine attributes of Sri: grace, auspiciousness, lustre, beauty, etc.

शनिवार, 18 जनवरी 2020

वैष्णव जन तो..../ नरसी मेहता


यह भजन 15वीं सदी में गुजराती भक्तिसाहित्य के श्रेष्ठतम कवि 
नरसी मेहता द्वारा मूल रूप से गुजराती भाषा में लिखा गया है। 
यह भजन उसी गुजराती भजन का हिन्दी रूपांतरण है। 
कवि नरसिंह मेहता को नर्सी मेहता और नर्सी भगत के नाम से 
भी जाना जाता है। 

वैष्णव जन तो तेने कहिये,
जे पीड परायी जाणे रे ।
पर दुःखे उपकार करे तो ये,
मन अभिमान न आणे रे ॥
॥ वैष्णव जन तो तेने कहिये..॥

सकल लोकमां सहुने वंदे,
निंदा न करे केनी रे ।
वाच काछ मन निश्चळ राखे,
धन धन जननी तेनी रे ॥
॥ वैष्णव जन तो तेने कहिये..॥

समदृष्टि ने तृष्णा त्यागी,
परस्त्री जेने मात रे ।
जिह्वा थकी असत्य न बोले,
परधन नव झाले हाथ रे ॥
॥ वैष्णव जन तो तेने कहिये..॥

मोह माया व्यापे नहि जेने,
दृढ़ वैराग्य जेना मनमां रे ।
रामनाम शुं ताली रे लागी,
सकल तीरथ तेना तनमां रे ॥
॥ वैष्णव जन तो तेने कहिये..॥

वणलोभी ने कपटरहित छे,
काम क्रोध निवार्या रे ।
भणे नरसैयॊ तेनुं दरसन करतां,
कुल एकोतेर तार्या रे ॥
॥ वैष्णव जन तो तेने कहिये..॥

वैष्णव जन तो तेने कहिये,
जे पीड परायी जाणे रे ।
पर दुःखे उपकार करे तो ये,
मन अभिमान न आणे रे ॥