रविवार, 26 जनवरी 2020

प्रियं भारतं.../ चंद्र भानु त्रिपाठी / गैब्रिएला बर्नेल

This british lady sings a song for Bharat in Sanskrit
Her name is Gabriella Burnel and she loves Sanskrit 
so much that she has done Masters in this language. 
She also teaches Sanskrit in UK and has deep respect 
towards Bharat.

Priyam Bharatam,
a poem by Shri Chandrabhanu Tripathi
For all those who have ever been inspired by the beauty of the land,
the beauty of the people, the beauty of the culture, the spirit of India. And for all those yet to fall in love...

प्रकृत्या सुरम्यं विशालं प्रकामम् सरित्तारहारैः ललालं निकामम् हिमाद्रिः ललाटे पदे चैव सिन्धुः प्रियं भारतं सर्वथा दर्शनीयम् धनानां निधानं धरायां प्रधानम् इदं भारतं देवलोकेन तुल्यम् यशो यस्य शुभ्रं विदेशेषु गीतम् प्रियं भारतं तत् सदा पूजनीयम् अनेके प्रदेशा अनेके च वेषाः अनेकानि रूपाणि भाषा अनेकाः परं यत्र सर्वे वयं भारतीयाः प्रियं भारतं तत् सदा रक्षणीयम् सुधीरा जना यत्र युद्धेषु वीराः शरीरार्पणेनापि रक्षन्ति देशम् स्वधर्मानुरक्ताः सुशीलाश्च नार्यः प्रियं भारतं तत् सदा श्लाघनीयम् वयं भारतीयाः स्वभूमिं नमामः परं धर्ममेकं सदा मानयामः यदर्थं धनं जीवनं चार्पयामः प्रियं भारतं तत् सदा वन्दनीयम्

Translation :

Naturally lovely Very delightful Carrying to us rivers and stars Charming and beautiful On her forehead, the Himalaya mountain At her feet, the sea Beloved India, always beautiful Receptacle of wealth, ever flowing This India, equal with paradise Whose fame, shining, a song among foreign lands Beloved India, always to be worshipped Many regions Many apparels Many forms Many languages Where we all are Indians Beloved India, always to be protected Where the people are wise, heroes in battles Offering their bodies, They protect the country, Where the People are of good conduct, fond of their own duty (dharma) Beloved India, always to be praised We bow to the land, to India, The one supreme dharma, we always esteem, For which we offer our wealth, our life, Beloved India, always to be respected

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