शुक्रवार, 31 जनवरी 2020

पिबरे राम रसम् .../ सदाशिव ब्रम्हेंद्र (१८वीं शताब्दी) / उत्तरा उन्नीकृष्णन


Pibare Rama Rasam (Sanskrit)

Sadashiva Brahmendra 
Sadasiva Brahmendra was a saint, composer of Carnatic music 
and Advaita philosopher who lived near Kumbakonam, Tamil Nadu, 
during the 18th century (Died 1755). He composed mainly in Sanskrit. 
Only a few of his compositions have survived, but they are recognised 
as great compositions of Carnatic music. 

पिबरे राम रसम् रसने
पिबरे राम रसम्
दूरीकृत पातक  संसर्गम्
पूरित नानाविध फल वर्गम्
जनन मरण भय शोक  विदूरम्
सकल शास्त्र निगमागम सारम्
परिपालित सरसिज गर्भाण्डं 
परम पवित्री कृत पाषाण्डम्
शुद्ध परमहम्स आश्रम गीतं
शुक शौनक कौशिक मुख पीतम्
English translation
Translated by

Drink the nectar of Rama, 
Oh connoisseur, Drink the nectar of Rama.

Which removes the society of sinners
And fills you up with the fruits of many types.

Which removes the fear and sorrow of death and birth,
And which is the essence of all holy books including Vedas.

Which is the egg that looks after Lord Brahma,
And which makes you extremely pure.

Which is the pure music of sages in their Ashram,
And which can be heard from the face of,
Sages like Shuka , Shaunaka and Kaushika.

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