गुरुवार, 11 जून 2020

हे प्राण नाथ गोविन्दे.../ शबद कीर्तन / गुरु अर्जुन देव / मैथिली ठाकुर

गुरु अर्जुन देव

हे प्राणनाथ गोविन्दे कृपानिधान जगद्गुरु ||
O Lord of the Universe, Master of the Breath of life,
Treasure of Mercy, Guru of the World. हे संसार तापहरण करुणामय सब दुःख हरो ||
O Destroyer of the fever of the world, Embodiment of Compassion,
please take away all my pain. हे शरण जोग दयाल हे दीनानाथ मया करो ||
O Merciful Lord, Potent to give Sanctuary, Master of the meek
and humble, please be kind to me. शरीर स्वस्थ खीण समये सिमरंत नानक राम दामोदर माधव ||50||
Whether his body is healthy or sick, let Nanak meditate in
remembrance on You, Lord. ||50||

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