सोमवार, 14 अक्तूबर 2024

संगीत साम्राज्य संचारिणी.../ सरस्वती स्तुति / स्वर : श्वेता मोहन


This is a krithi on goddess Saraswati of Sringeri. She is said to wander in the kingdom of music and the beautiful town of Sringeri. She is known to have lived in the lands of pandyas in Kerala and she is well praised as the one who resides in the center of sri chakra, a mystical geometric pattern of interlocking triangles where the center is known for creation and force. She certainly is in the heart of Adi SankarAcharya of KAlaDi and she has the full trust of lord Siva, the lords of the eight directions and Brahma. She is living in the form of all the musical notes, shines with beautiful hibiscus flowers and other jewels and dwells in the melodious tune of Mohanakalyani.

taaLam: aadi
Composer: Bangalore RAmamUrti
Language: Sanskrit


संगीत साम्राज्य संचारिणी
श्रंगार श्रंगेरीपुर वासिनी


उन्नत पांड्या केरल वासिनी
सन्नुत श्रीचक्र मध्य निवासिनी
कलादी शंकर हृदय निवासिनी
कालदिक्पालक ब्रह्म विश्वासिनी


गांधार पंचम धैवत रूपिणी
निषाद मध्यम सप्त स्वरूपिणी
मन्दार कुसुम मणिमय तेजो माधुर्य 
मोहनकल्याणी स्वरूपिणी

Meaning :

By Aparna from Neccheli (original article here, reproduced with permission)

Carnatic Compositions - The Essence and Embodiment
-Aparna Munukutla Gunupudi

sangIta sAmrAjya - The kingdom of music
sancAriNi - wanders in
sringAra - beautiful
sringEri pura - town of Sringeri
vAsini - resides in

unnata - high
pAnDya - pandya land
kEraLa - the state of Kerala
vAsini - resident
sannuta - well praised
srI chakra Madhya - in the center of sri chakra
nivAsini - resides in
kAlaDi - the town of KAladi (birthplace of Adi SankarAcharya)
sankara hrudaya - in the heart of Sankara
nivAsini - lives in
kAla - the lord Sankara, the time keeper
dikpAlaka - the lords of the eight directions
brahma - the lord Brahma
visvAsini - trusts you

gAndhAra - musical note gandhara
panchama - musical note panchama
dhaivata - musical note dhaivata
rUpiNi - in the form
niSAda - Musical note nishada
Madhyama -musical note madhyama
sapta swara rUpiNi - took the form of the seven musical notes
mandAra kusuma - the flower hibiscus
maNimaya - jeweled in abundance
tEjO - shining
mAdhurya - melodeous
mOhanakalyANi - mohana Kalyani
svarUpiNi - dwells

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