मंगलवार, 17 नवंबर 2020

हिरण्मयीं लक्ष्मीं सदा भजामि.../ मुथुस्वामी दीक्षितार कृति / सूर्यगायत्री


हिरण्मयीं लक्ष्मीम् - रागं ललिता - तालं रूपकम्

हिरण्मयीं लक्ष्मीं सदा भजामि
हीन मानव-आश्रयं त्यजामि

चिर-तर सम्पत्-प्रदां
क्षीर-अम्बुधि तनयां
हरि वक्षः-स्थल-आलयां
हरिणीं चरण किसलयां
कर कमल धृत कुवलयां
मरकत मणि-मय वलयाम्

श्वेत द्वीप वासिनीं
श्री कमला-अम्बिकां परां
भूत भव्य विलासिनीं
भू-सुर पूजितां वराम्
मातरं अब्ज मालिनीं
माणिक्य-आभरण धरां
गीत वाद्य विनोदिनीं
गिरिजां तां इन्दिराम्
शीत किरण निभ वदनां
श्रित चिन्तामणि सदनां
पीत वसनां गुरु गुह -
मातुल कान्तां ललिताम्

Meaning :

sadA bhajAmi –              I always worship
hiraNmayIM lakshmIM –       the golden hued Lakshmi!
tyajAmi –                   I give up
hIna mAnava-ASrayaM –       dependence on mortals which is inferior.

cira-tara sampat-pradAM–    the giver of long-lasting prosperity
kshIra-ambudhi tanayAM –    the daughter of the milky ocean,
hari vakshaH-sthala-AlayAM– the dweller of the chest of Vishnu,
hariNIM -                   the golden one,
caraNa kisalayAM –          the one with (soft) sprout-like feet,
kara kamala dhRta kuvalayAM – the one holding a lily with lotus-like hands,
marakata maNi-maya valayAm – the one wearing emerald-set bracelets.

SvEta dvIpa vAsinIM –       the resident of Shvetha-dvipa ,
SrI kamalA-ambikAM parAM –   the supreme Kamalambika,
bhUta bhavya vilAsinIM–     the one who manifests as the past and future,
bhU-sura pUjitAM –          the one worshipped by Vedic scholars,
varAm –                     the eminent one,
mAtaraM –                   the mother,
abja mAlinIM –              the one wearing a lotus garland,
mANikya-AbharaNa dharAM –   the one wearing ruby-studded ornaments,
gIta vAdya vinOdinIM –      the one who delights in song and musical instruments,
girijAM tAM –               the one dear to Parvati,
indirAm –                   the embodiment of beauty,
SIta kiraNa nibha vadanAM – the one with a moon-like face,
Srita cintAmaNi sadanAM –    the very abode of wish-fulfilling gems to her devotees,
pIta vasanAM             –  the one wearing yellow garments,
guru guha - mAtula kAntAM - the wife of Guruguha’s maternal uncle,

lalitAm –                   the charming one.

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