शुक्रवार, 18 फ़रवरी 2022

ख़ाक से लाला-ओ-ग़ुल सुम्बुल-ओ-रेहां निकले.../ शायर : हज़रत ज़हीन शाह ताजी / गायन : उस्ताद फ़रीद अयाज़ एवं उस्ताद अबू मुहम्मद क़व्वाल


ख़ाक से लाला-ओ-ग़ुल सुम्बुल-ओ-रेहां निकले...

शायर : हज़रत ज़हीन शाह ताजी (१९०२-१९७८)
गायन : उस्ताद फ़रीद अयाज़ एवं उस्ताद अबू मुहम्मद क़व्वाल

Baba Zaheen Shah Yousufi Taji born Muhammad Tuaseen 
in Jhunjhunu, Rajasthan, India, on 1902 and died July 23, 1978,
in Karachi, Pakistan, was a great sufi of sub-continent as well as 
an Urdu poet, philosopher and scholar of high repute.
Zaheen Shah Taji was the disciple of Baba Yousuf Shah Taji, who 
was disciple of Tajuddin Baba of Nagpur.
He has written many books and Ghazals in Urdu language while he knew PersianArabicEnglish and Hindi languages as well. He used 
Zaheen as a pen name in his poetry.

ख़ाक से लाला-ओ-ग़ुल सुम्बुल-ओ-रैहां निकले
तुम भी पर्दे से निकल आओ के अरमां निकले

Tulips and roses have emerged from earth.
Tall cypresses and fragrant trees have appeared.

Pray emerge from behind the veil
So that my heart may obtain what it desires.

बंद आँखें किये हम मुन्तज़िर-ए-जल्वा रहे 
जब खुली आँख तो खुद जल्वा-ए-जानां निकले 

With my eyes closed I waited expectantly 
For a sight of the Beloved.

When at last I obtained true vision, the image
Of the Beloved was myself, and no one else.

क्या कोई बज़्म-ए-हसीं ज़ेर-ए-ज़मीं और भी है ?
फूल क्यों चाक़-जिगर चाक़-गिरेबाँ निकले ?

Is there perhaps another beautiful assemblage,
Taking place underneath the dust?

Why do all the flowers emerge with their hearts 
wounded and their cloaks rant and torn?

शैख़ मैख़ाने में आने को मुसलमां आया 
काश मैख़ाने से निकले तो मुसलमां निकले 

When the cleric entered the tavern
He was ostensibly a Muslim

Let's hope that when he leaves,
He leaves with his faith intact.

रंग-ओ-बू काफ़िला-दर-काफ़िला आये थे  'ज़हीं'
चंद उड़ते हुए साये थे गुरेज़ाँ निकले 

'Zaheen' caravan after caravan arrived
Bearing strange colours and enchanting scents.

Alas they were all fleeting shadows,
Each disappearing as fast as it arrived.

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