रविवार, 22 मई 2022

राम-राम, राम-राम, राम नाम तारकम् / गायन : पावनी एवं सखियाँ


Rendered by 7 little gems: Paavani Cotah,
Prakruthi. R,
Nirantara Ranjeev,
Maya Swaminathan,
Shree. S,
Sarvashri V.
Sriranjini. B

राम-राम, राम-राम, राम नाम तारकम् 

The 'Rama' name that grants liberation.

राम-कृष्ण-वासुदेव भक्ति-मुक्ति दायकम् 

Rama ! Krishna ! Vasudeva ! - the name- that bestows devotion and salvation.

जानकी मनोहरं सर्वलोक नायकम् 

(The name) that enchants Goddess Janki; leads the entire world.

शंकरादि सेव्यमान पुण्यनाम कीर्तनम् 

Served by Shankara and others, this name is a holy hymn !

वीरशूर वंदितं रावणादि नाशकम् 

(The name) extolled by the brave and valiant; that obliterates Ravana and the like;

आञ्जनेय जीवनाम राजमन्त्र रूपकम् 

(The name which is) lord Hanuman's life force; embodiment of supreme 'mantra' !

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