श्रीमदानंदतीर्थभगवत्पादाचार्यविरचिते श्रीमन्महाभारततात्पर्यनिर्णये सप्तमोऽध्यायः
श्रीमदानंदतीर्थभगवत्पादाचार्यविरचिते श्रीमन्महाभारततात्पर्यनिर्णये सप्तमोऽध्यायः
महाभारततात्पर्यनिर्णय मध्वाचार्य द्वारा रचित एक टीका ग्रन्थ है।
की गयी है। यह ग्रन्थ महाभारत को एक कथा के रूप में न देखकर
इसे 'निर्णायक ग्रन्थ' की संज्ञा देता है। इस ग्रन्थ में ५००० श्लोक
इसे 'निर्णायक ग्रन्थ' की संज्ञा देता है। इस ग्रन्थ में ५००० श्लोक
तथा ३२ अध्याय हैं। कुछ अध्याओं में रामायण की कथाएं हैं। यह
सुन्दरकांडम् ७ वें अध्याय में है।
मध्वाचार्य, माधवाचार्य विद्यारण्य तथा माधवाचार्य दोनों से भिन्न हैं।
मध्वाचार्य ( = मध्व + आचार्य ; तुलु : ಶ್ರೀ ಮಧ್ವಾಚಾರ್ಯರು) (1238-1317) भारत में भक्ति आन्दोलन के समय के सबसे महत्वपूर्ण दार्शनिकों में से एक थे। वे पूर्णप्रज्ञ व आनन्दतीर्थ के नाम से भी प्रसिद्ध हैं। वे तत्ववाद के प्रवर्तक थे जिसे द्वैतवाद के नाम से जाना जाता है। द्वैतवाद, वेदान्त की तीन प्रमुख दर्शनों में एक है। मध्वाचार्य को वायु का तृतीय अवतार माना जाता है (हनुमान और भीम क्रमशः प्रथम व द्वितीय अवतार थे)।
मध्वाचार्य कई अर्थों में अपने समय के अग्रदूत थे, वे कई बार प्रचलित रीतियों के विरुद्ध चले गये हैं। उन्होने द्वैत दर्शन का प्रतिपादन किया। इन्होने द्वैत दर्शन के ब्रह्मसूत्र पर भाष्य लिखा और अपने वेदान्त के व्याख्यान की तार्किक पुष्टि के लिये एक स्वतंत्र ग्रंथ 'अनुव्याख्यान' भी लिखा। श्रीमद्भगवद्गीता और उपनिषदों पर टीकाएँ, महाभारत के तात्पर्य की व्याख्या करनेवाला ग्रंथ महाभारततात्पर्यनिर्णय तथा श्रीमद्भागवतपुराण पर टीका ये इनके अन्य ग्रंथ है। ऋग्वेद के पहले चालीस सूक्तों पर भी एक टीका लिखी और अनेक स्वतंत्र प्रकरणों में अपने मत का प्रतिपादन किया।
मध्वाचार्य ( = मध्व + आचार्य ; तुलु : ಶ್ರೀ ಮಧ್ವಾಚಾರ್ಯರು) (1238-1317) भारत में भक्ति आन्दोलन के समय के सबसे महत्वपूर्ण दार्शनिकों में से एक थे। वे पूर्णप्रज्ञ व आनन्दतीर्थ के नाम से भी प्रसिद्ध हैं। वे तत्ववाद के प्रवर्तक थे जिसे द्वैतवाद के नाम से जाना जाता है। द्वैतवाद, वेदान्त की तीन प्रमुख दर्शनों में एक है। मध्वाचार्य को वायु का तृतीय अवतार माना जाता है (हनुमान और भीम क्रमशः प्रथम व द्वितीय अवतार थे)।
मध्वाचार्य कई अर्थों में अपने समय के अग्रदूत थे, वे कई बार प्रचलित रीतियों के विरुद्ध चले गये हैं। उन्होने द्वैत दर्शन का प्रतिपादन किया। इन्होने द्वैत दर्शन के ब्रह्मसूत्र पर भाष्य लिखा और अपने वेदान्त के व्याख्यान की तार्किक पुष्टि के लिये एक स्वतंत्र ग्रंथ 'अनुव्याख्यान' भी लिखा। श्रीमद्भगवद्गीता और उपनिषदों पर टीकाएँ, महाभारत के तात्पर्य की व्याख्या करनेवाला ग्रंथ महाभारततात्पर्यनिर्णय तथा श्रीमद्भागवतपुराण पर टीका ये इनके अन्य ग्रंथ है। ऋग्वेद के पहले चालीस सूक्तों पर भी एक टीका लिखी और अनेक स्वतंत्र प्रकरणों में अपने मत का प्रतिपादन किया।
|| OM namo bhagavate vasudevaya OM ||
1 The son of Pavana, who desired to cross the ocean, prayed to
Lord Rama, who hasAishwarya and other five auspicious attributes
which are eternal and omnipresent in Him,who is the Lord of all
and who is the big ocean of strength and energy; He then climbed
thatexcellent mountain and jumped from there.
2 The ocean, which got pulled by the power of Hanuman,
got troubled; It started to follow him along with its creatures;
The trees in the mountain got sucked by his speed and followed
him; The 'Mainaka' mountain which was earlier thrown into the
ocean by Vayu came up for him.
3 That mountain was the brother-in-law of Shiva; It was made
of gold; Earlier when the wings of mountains were being clipped
(by Indra), it had saved himself (through Vayu); The mountain
which had many peaks pierced the ocean and came up to provide
rest to Hanuman.
4 Hanuman, who is never tired, did not wish to rest on it; Where is
tiredness for one who has infinite strength and courage? He went
ahead after pressing that excellent mountain with his leg and then
saw a Naga lady who had been sent by devatas after giving her boons.
5 The devatas, who desired to know the strength of Hanuman,
had given her a boon thus -"Let whatever you desire fall into
your mouth"; Hanuman, who entered her mouth, came out of
it immediately and made the devatas happy while still making
their boon come true.
6 Seeing Hanuman's affection for them and his excellent strength,
the devatas appreciated him greatly by showering flowers on him;
Being respected by them in this way, he continued his journey and
saw a planetary body by name Simhika.
7 Brahma had granted her limitless strength in order to restrict
people and protect Lanka; She attracted the shadow of Hanuman;
He entered her body and immediately tore her into pieces.
8 Showing that his strength is without limits, he killed her though
she was protected by Brahma's boon; He then jumped on to the
'Lamba' mountain which was surrounding Lanka like a cover and
had a lot of peaks; He then took a very small form.
9 Hanuman took the size of a cat and wished to enter the city
during the night; He then saw the abhimani devata of Lanka
who had taken her real form; She stopped him; He quickly
smashed her with his fist and won the battle with her; He
then entered Lanka after taking her consent.
10 Hanuman, who started searching both inside and outside of
Lanka, saw the form of Sita seated in the Ashoka vana under a
Shimshupa tree.
11 Knowing fully well the intent of Lord Rama in mocking the
world of humans, Hanuman also did things in accordance with
the Lord's intent.
12 He spoke things in accordance with that; He gave a ring to
that form of Sita which was also behaving in accordance with
that intent of the Lord.
13 The ornaments of Sita also had taken two forms and were
present on the form of Sita as well; After that, Sita also gave
him a chudamani to be handed over to Lord Rama.
14 The groups of Rakshasas were not able to see all that; But,
devatas and Rishis who were in the sky were able to see all this.
15 This form of following (by Hanuman and Sita) was being
enacted in order to entertain them and also cheat Kali and
other Daityas who were watching all this.
16 The son of Pavana did all this without any fear; He, who is
the best amongst intelligent ones, then decided that the
greatness of the Lord has to be brought to the fore.
17 After that, the hero Hanuman destroyed the entire vana
except that one (Shimshupa) tree; Desiring to cause more of
the evils' destruction, he climbed up the entrance arch shouting
increasingly loudly.
18 After that, the ten headed Ravana heard that extra ordinary
activity of the excellent monkey Hanuman; He sent across a lot
of his servants saying to them - "Bring that monkey to me".
19 Those servants, who had become invincible due to the boon
of Hara, surrounded that son of Vayu, who was the best amongst
devatas and who was also extremely powerful.
20 Eighty crore army-leaders; Eighty thousand commanders and
many numerous weapon collections; The army which had all these
surrounded that excellent monkey Hanuman.
21 All of them pounced upon Hanuman; And they hit him with
their weapons; Hanuman smashed all of them with just his fists.
22 And then Hanuman killed seven of Ravana's ministers' sons
whom he sent for battle; They were all mountain like creatures;
And they were all protected with the boons of Brahma and Rudra.
23 Similarly, he killed all those Rakshasas who were the leaders of
that army and were overconfident with Rudra's boons; He destroyed
one third of the army of those Rakshasas.
24 After getting to hear that the monkey's strength in incomparable,
the king of the Rakshasas deployed his son Aksha Kumara who was
equal to him in strength.
25 He showered special arrows strengthened with great astras on
that son of Vayu who is considered as the witness for the entire
Universe; But he could not even shake Hanuman with those.
26 Looking at Aksha Kumara, the son of Mandodari and the one
equal to Ravana in strength, Hanuman thought - "Isn't he one
third the entire strength of Ravana?"
27 "I have to leave Ravana to Lord Raghava; And if I kill
Indrajit, others will not get to know his strength"
28 "Therefore, I will kill this one who is equal to both of them" -
thinking thus, Hanuman quickly got hold of his legs and jumped up.
29 The son of Vayu, Hanuman, got hold of the son of Ravana
and spun him like a disc repeatedly and smashed him to the
ground instantly.
30 After getting to know that his son was killed after being
smashed to the ground, Ravana, who was filled with grief sent
across his elder son Indrajit.
31 Then, Indrajit invoked powerful astras on to his excellent
arrows and hit them at Hanuman; But he could not manage to
even shake him.
32 After that, Indrajit released the powerful astra of Brahma
which cannot be tolerated by anyone; Hanuman, who was hit
by that weapon, got into a thought without gettingdisturbed
even a little.
33 "Many boons of Brahma have been broken by me; I also
hold him very reverentially; Therefore, I shall now respect
this (weapon)"
34 "What can these cheering groups of Rakshasas do? Also,
by doing this, I will get to see Ravana whom I have to meet
35 Thinking of all this, the best amongst monkeys Hanuman
stood there as if arrested; Then,the Rakshasas bound him with
other chains; The brahmastra of Indrajit left from there.
36 Then, they took Hanuman to the lord of the nocturnals
Ravana; Ravana questioned him thus.
37 "O monkey! Where have you come from? Whose messenger
are you? Why did you do this?" - On being questioned thus,
Hanuman prayed to Lord Rama with devotion and said.
38 "Know me as the messenger of Lord Rama whose bravery
is limitless and who is the best amongst Raghus; I am the son
of Vayu; Know me as being fully capable of destroying your
39 "If you do not immediately hand over the dear one of
Lord Rama to the best amongst Raghu, you will get soon
get destroyed along with your sons, friends and relatives".
40 "Even Brahma, Rudra and other excellent devatas are
not capable of facing the arrows of Lord Rama; How then
are you, with such meagre strength, capable of facing him?"
41 "If he gets angry, who in this world, including devatas,
danavas and sarpas are capable of facing him? His greatness
is beyond measure".
42 When Hanuman spoke thus, Ravana wanted to kill
Hanuman but Vibhishana stopped him; Then, Ravana
put his Rakshasas on to the work of burning Hanuman's tail.
43 Then, they covered the tail of Hanuman with mounds of
clothes and set fire to it; But Agni, who is the friend of Vayu,
did not burn Hanuman's tail.
44 Hanuman is one without any sorrow; He is excellent by
strength; Still, he tolerated all the work of the Rakshasas only
with the intention of burning Lanka.
45 Hanuman burnt the entire city with the fire on his tail; Though
that city was built by Vishwakarma, it got burned by his radiance.
46 That city was made out of gold and precious gems; Hanuman,
having burnt down that city along with many great Rakshasas, was
very satisfied and let go a big roar.
47 Hanuman, who trivialized Ravana along with his son, burnt down
the city as they kept watching and left the place.
48 Hanuman crossed the ocean again and got worshipped by
his people; Having enjoyed the honey in Madhuvana, he joined
his Lord Sri Rama.
49 The son of Pavana, Hanuman, who, along with all other
monkey-heroes, reached Lord Rama, who is the Lord of all
devatas and is with infinite attributes and dear to the heart,
offered the Chudamani given by the form of Sita to His
feet and bowed down to Him with devotion with his entire body.
50 Lord Rama, who was completely satisfied, having realized
that there is nothing better to offer to the extremely devoted
son of Vayu, Hanuman, gave Himself and hugged him very tightly.
|| End of chapter 7, known as 'Hanumatpratiyaanam
(SundaraKanda Katha Nirupanam)',
from the Mahabharata Tatparya Nirnaya, composed by
Srimadanandatirtha Bhagavatpada ||
|| Sri Krishnaarpanamastu ||
कोई टिप्पणी नहीं:
एक टिप्पणी भेजें