मंगलवार, 16 नवंबर 2021

शर्तियूं आईं तां.../ सिन्धी / शाह अब्दुल लतीफ़ भिटाई (१६८९-१७५२) / गायन : रासिद ख़ान एवं सफी मुहम्मद


शाह अब्दुल लतीफ़ भटाई (1689-1752) सिंध के प्रसिद्ध सूफ़ी कवि थे, जिन्होंने सिन्धी भाषा को विश्व के मंच पर स्थापित किया। शाह लतीफ़ का कालजयी काव्य-संकलन 'शाह जो रसालो' सिन्धी समुदाय के हृदयकी धड़कन सा है। सिन्ध का सन्दर्भ विश्व में शाह लतीफ़ की भूमि के रूप में भी दिया जाता है, जिस की सात नायिकाओं मारुई, मूमल, सस्सी, नूरी, सोहनी, हीर तथा लीला को सात रानियाँ भी कहा जाता है। ये सातों रानियाँ पवित्रता, वफादारी और सतीत्व के प्रतीक रूप में शाश्वत रूप से प्रसिद्ध हैं। इन सब की जीत प्रेम और वीरता की जीत है।

Shah Abdul Latif Bhitai, the deeply loved Sindhi Sufi poet of the 18th century, spoke through the famously tragic love legends of the Punjab and Sindh region. In this song, Latif speaks in the voice of Sasui, whosebeloved Punhoon has been wrested away from her on the morning following her wedding night by Punhoon’s kinsmen angered by the cross-community marriage. This is a well-known song sung by many different singers in the oral traditions of Shah Latif, which straddle both sides of the border between Pakistan and India.

Sasui is a Brahmin girl abandoned at birth by her parents and raised in Bhambhor by a childless Muslim washerman and washerwoman couple. Her crime is to fall in love with a stranger called Punhoon, who is King Aari Jaam’s son. For this crime, her punishment is to have her husband abducted on the morning following her wedding night! He’s plied through the night with alcohol by his brothers and then put on to their camels and taken across the desert, back to where he came from. Sasui, determined as steel, sets off alone across the hot desert, without any supplies, in the pursuit of her retreating beloved. At this moment, Sasui is stepping into the harsh Thar desert when her friends try to stop her from embarking on this impossible journey. She brushes them off with the words of this song. She knows that the path to finding her Beloved, her truth, her own true self, cannot be without the necessary striving and suffering. Feel this soul-stirring composition in the captivating voice of Rasid Khan and Safi Mohammad. English translation of the song - Sasui’s grief is immense She weeps at every step She’s crossed mountains No trace of Punhoon’s footsteps Friends, a barren desert lies ahead Don’t think of coming with me For one, there is no water Second, the path is long and desolate You’ll curse my Punhoon When you perish on the way Friends, be on your way My destiny is in the dunes Friends, you go your way I’m bound to Punhu Allah Miyan In the city of Bhambhor Hear the plea of this poor wretch My destiny is written Allah Miyan Put shackles on the feet Of the camels of Aari Jaam My fate is sealed Allah Miyan Shah Latif says, listen friends The thirst within me is intense My destiny is written Vocal : Rasid Khan and Safi Mohammad Dholak : Imamudin Benjo : Vedanth Bharadwaj Khartal : Kasam Khan

शर्तियूं आईं तां
विन्योड़ी विन्योला
मुं जोड़े लेख लिखण तां

अल्ला मियां
उठ आरीया जाम जायला
डाघण के डाण
डियोंड़ी डियोला
मुं जोड़े लेख लिखण तां

डाघण के डाण
डियोंड़ी डियोला
मुं जोड़े लेख लिखण तां

अल्ला मियां
हेडे सहर भंभोर मेंयला
अल्ला मियां
हेडे सहर भंभोर मेंयला
मेड़ मिस्कीन जी
मन्योड़ी मन्योला
मुं जोड़े लेख लिखण तां

शर्तियूं आईं तां
विन्योड़ी विन्योला
अल्ला मियां
लाल में लाल लतीफ़ चैंयला
अल्ला मियां
बिथ जौने गोत
लतीफ़ चैंयला
आहे अन्दर आंवाला
उन्योड़ी उन्योला
मुं जोड़े लेख लिखण तां

आहे अन्दर आंवाला
उन्योड़ी उन्योला
मुं जोड़े लेख लिखण तां

शर्तियूं आईं तां
विन्योड़ी विन्योला
मुं जोड़े लेख लिखण तां

मुं जोड़े लेख लिखण तां

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