बुधवार, 28 अक्तूबर 2020

शारदे करुणानिधे.../ श्रीशारदागीतम् / जगद्गुरु श्री श्री चन्द्रशेखर भारती महास्वामी जी


Sharade Karunanidhe - a kriti on Devi Sharadamba composed by Jagadguru Sri Sri Chandrashekhara Bharati Mahaswamiji.

॥ श्रीशारदागीतम् ॥ शारदे करुणानिधे सकलानवाम्ब सदा जनान् । चारणादिमगीतवैभवपूरिताखिलदिक्तते ॥ १ ॥ भर्मभूषणभूषिते वररत्नमौलिविराजिते । शर्मदायिनि कर्ममोचिनि निर्मलं कुरु मानसम् ॥ २ ॥ हस्तसन्धृतपुस्तकाक्षपटीसुधाघटमुद्रिके । कस्तवास्ति हि वर्णने चतुरो नरः खचरोऽथवा ॥ ३ ॥

Translation from Prof Mahadevan retd VC of Sanskrit Vidya Peetham.

1.Oh Mother Sarada! Treasure of all mercy! Protect all the people 

always, You whose holy benign grace sung by the Vedas, the demigods 

and the human beings reverberates all over the quarters (directions) 

(Chaaranas are believed to be the divine singers and also are the bards 

in the King's court).

2. Decked with glittering gold ornaments , a crown studded with precious 

stones, the giver of all comforts, reliever of people's bonds of karma, 

please help us to keep our hearts blemishless.

3. Also adorned by a book, a garland ofrudraaksha and the pot of nectar! 

Who on earth among (men) or elsewhere (the bards or the Gods) is capable 

of describing you in totality

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