मंगलवार, 4 फ़रवरी 2020

सृष्टि के निर्माण की कविता (प्राचीन हिब्रू भाषा में)

सृष्टि के निर्माण की कविता (प्राचीन हिब्रू भाषा में)

Psalm 104 (Creation of the universe Psalm) composition: traditional Jewish babylonian

The 104th Psalm has long been known as the "Creation Psalm."
This psalm presents a poem about the creation of the world.


barchi nafshi et Adonay praise the lord oh my soul Adonay Elohay gadalta meod O lord, thou art very great hod ve'hadar lavashta thou art clothed with honor and majesty oteh or kasalma who covereth thyself with light, as with a garment; oteh shamaim kayria who stretchest out the heavens like a curtain hamkare ba'maim aliyotav who layeth the beams of his chambers in the waters hasam avim rechuvo who maketh the clouds his chariot hamehalech al kanfey ruach who walketh upon the wings of the wind oseh malachav ruchot who maketh winds his messengers mesharetav esh lohet flames of fire his minister yasad eretz al mechoneha who laid the foundations of the earth bal timot olam va'ed that it should not be moved forever.

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