बुधवार, 2 दिसंबर 2020

जयोऽस्तु ते !.../ विनायक दामोदर सावरकर / लता मंगेशकर


जयोऽस्तु ते !

जयोऽस्तु ते! जयोऽस्तु ते!
श्री महन्मंगले शिवास्पदे शुभदे
स्वतंत्रते भगवती त्वामहम् यशोयुतां वंदे!

राष्ट्राचें चैतन्य मूर्त तूं नीती संपदांची
स्वतन्त्रते भगवती श्रीमती राज्ञी तूं त्यांची
परवशतेच्या नभांत तूंचि आकाशीं होशी
स्वतन्त्रते भगवती चांदणी चमचम-लखलखशी

गालावरच्या कुसुमीं किंवा कुसुमांच्या गालीं
स्वतन्त्रते भगवती तूंच जी विलसतसे लाली
तुं सूर्याचें तेज उदधिचें गांभीर्यहिं तूंचि
स्वतन्त्रते भगवती अन्यथा ग्रहणनष्टतेची

मोक्ष-मुक्ति हीं तुझींच रूपें तुलाच वेदांतीं
स्वतन्त्रते भगवती योगिजन परब्रह्म वदती
जें जें उत्तम उदात्त उन्नत महन्मधुर तें तें
स्वतन्त्रते भगवती सर्व तव सहकारी होती

हे अधमरक्तरञ्जिते सुजनपूजिते श्री स्वतन्त्रते
तुजसाठि मरण तें जनन
तुजवीण जनन तें मरण
तुज सकल-चराचर-शरण चराचर-शरण

-विनायक दामोदर सावरकर

Translation : Jayostute

 Victory to you, O Auspicious One, the Munificent and Holy!

O Goddess of Freedom, I seek you blessings for success

 You are the embodiment of our national spirit, our morality 

and our accomplishments

O glorious Goddess of Freedom, you are the Queen of righteousness

 In the dark skies of enslavement

O Goddess of Freedom, you are the shining star of hope.

 Whether on flowers as soft as cheeks, or on cheeks as soft as flowers!

O Goddess of Freedom, You are that blush of confidence!

 You are the radiance of the Sun, the majesty of the Ocean

O Goddess of Freedom, but for you the Sun of Freedom is eclipsed.

O Goddess of Freedom, you are the face of eternal happiness and liberation,

That is why the scriptures hail you as the supreme soul.

All that is ideal, magnificent and sweet,

O Goddess of Freedom, is associated with you

You are the destroyer of evil (stained with their blood), 

O Goddess of Freedom

Life is to die for you,

Death is to live without you.

All creation surrenders unto you!

Victory to you, O Auspicious One, the Munificent and Holy!

O Goddess of Freedom, I seek you blessings for success

Composed by Swatantryaveer Savarkar the song ‘Jayostute’ 
is one of the most inspiring patriotic works in Marathi literature. 
The song was written to explain the countrymen the importance 
and beauty of freedom. Savarkar was abroad and saw the 
freedom and therefore to convince the people of India that 
they should fight for freedom.

In Cellular Jail, Savarkar wrote the poem “Jayostute” 
(Victory to you!), which too has been made popular by 
Hridaynath’s music. The song is a sort of ‘national song’ 
in Marathi, similar to Vande Mataram. The listener is 
bound to have his hairs stand on end as the beats and 
the words propels one to get enveloped in its beauty.

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