सोमवार, 27 सितंबर 2021

आदि योगी - आद्य शून्यता / भरतनाट्यम / सयानी चक्रवर्ती


Choreographed and performed by Sayani Chakraborty

Sayani Chakraborty
Sayani is a Bharatanatyam dancer, disciple of 
Guru Smt. Rama Vaidyanathan. 
She is the Founder of her own Institute named, 
Dhruba Institute of Dance, Kolkata.

सहस्र सहस्रादि संवत्सरपूर्वं
नरज्ञान उद्धारणाय समर्पितम
अदियोगिनाद्यं सप्तर्षिभ्योबोधितम्
अति श्रेष्ठं इदं विशालं विज्ञानं

अदियोगिनं प्रणमाम्यहम्

अदियोगिन नमस्तुभ्यं
प्रसीद योगेश्वर
महाकाल नमोस्तुते

ज्ञानशृङ्ग वृषारूढं
प्रचण्डं विश्वेश्वरं
जटाजूटं भस्माङ्गम्

अदियोगिनं प्रणमाम्यहम्

वशीकृतं आकाश च
महाभूतेश्वरं देवं

अदियोगिनं प्रणमाम्यहम्

निर्गुणं त्रिगुणपारम्
रुद्र हर सदाशिवं
बन्धपाशहरं देवं

अदियोगिनं प्रणमाम्यहम्

त्रिनेत्रं गङ्गाधरं
सोम कुण्डलभूषितं
नागराजधरं देवं

अदियोगिनं प्रणमाम्यहम्

दक्षिणाभि मुखस्थितं

अदियोगिनं प्रणमाम्यहम्

अदियोगिनं प्रणमाम्यहम्
अदियोगिनं प्रणमाम्यहम्


Many thousands of years ago
One who was devoted to raising of the consciousness of mankind
Adiyogi (the first yogi) gave this to Saptrishis (the seven sages)
The immensely high and greatest form of wisdom
To that Adiyogi, I bow down to

I bow down to Adiyogi,
Be pleased O! Lord of Yoga (Yogeshwara)
The one who carries life and death as mere ornaments
To that Mahaakal (Lord of time), I bow down to

One who is the peak of knowing,
One who rides the bull, the fierce Lord of Universe (Vishweshwara)
The one who has matted locks of hair and carries ash on his body,
To that Adiyogi, I bow down to
Earth, Fire, Water, Air and Ether:
The one who is Lord of all great elements (Mahabhuteshwara),
To that Adiyogi, I bow down to

One who is without Gunas,
One who is beyond the three Gunas,
That Rudra Har and Sadashiva
The one who destroys or severs the knot of bondage,
To that Adiyogi, I bow down to

One who has three eyes
One who carries the Ganga
One who has Moon and earrings as ornaments
One who carries Nagraja (the king of snakes)
To that Adiyogi, I bow down to

One who faces the South,
One who gave the liberating wisdom of Yoga
One who is saluted by the seven sages
To that Adiyogi, I bow down to

To that Adiyogi, I bow down to
To that Adiyogi, I bow down to

कोई टिप्पणी नहीं:

एक टिप्पणी भेजें