शुक्रवार, 17 दिसंबर 2021

सागर शयन विभो !.../ रचना : एम. डी. रामनाथन / गायन :रंजनी एवं गायत्री


M. D. Ramanathan
Manjapara Devesa Bhagavathar Ramanathan (20 May 1923 – 27 April 1984) 
was a Carnatic music composer and vocalist who created a distinctive style 
of singing rich in Bhava and Laya. He was considered for the Madras 

Ranjani (Born May 13, 1973) and Gayatri (Born May10,1976) are 
two sisters who perform as a Carnatic vocal and violin duo. They 
have also appeared as soloists, accompanists, composers, and 
educators of Indian Classical Music. 
Their work includes studio recordings; television, radio, and 
appearances; live concerts; and lecture demonstrations.

sAgara shayana vibhO! prabhO!
sAmagAnalOla! sArasa lOcana! (kSIra) (sAgara"¦)

Oh shining/replendant (vibhO) lord (prabhO), who reclines (Sayana) on the milky (kshIra) ocean (sAgara)! One who delights (lOla) in the chanting (gAna) of the sAma vEda! One who has eyes (lOcana) like a lotus (sArasa)

bhAgavata priya! bAga brOvumayyA!
bAga shrI bhUmi sahituDai velayu (kSIra sAgara"¦)

One who loves (priya) devotees who expound the purANas (bhAgavata)! Please protect (brOvumayyA) me appropriately (bAga). Very nicely (bAga), Oh Lord who manifests in the company of (sahituDai) of both lakshmI (SrI) and bhUmi dEvi, (and reclines on the milky ocean"¦)

caraNam 1
tApashamanakarA! tAmasAdi dUrA
pApavimOcana pAvana nAmA
shrI padmanAbhA dEva shrita jana
shrIkara shubhakara varadadAsanutapAdA (sAgara"¦)

One who allays/destroys (SamanakarA) all of our worldly afflictions (tApa), and one who dispels (durA) ignorance (tAmasa) and other (Adi) forms of darkness! One who liberates (vimOcana) us from the consequences of our sins (pApa)! One whose mere name (nAmA) is divine (pAvana), Oh lord (dEvA) padmanAbha, who creates (kara) wealth (SrI) and auspiciousness (Subha) for those (jana) that seek refuge (Srita/ASrita) in him. Whose feet (pAdA) are worshipped (nuta) by the devotee/slave (dAsa) of Sri varadAcAriar (varada) [1]!

caraNam 2
shrAvaNamAsa shrAvaNa dwAdashI yuta
shrESThamaina dinamandu bhaktajana
shrESThAdi pUjita shrI padmanAbhA
shrIramaNI priya shrutajana pAlA (sAgara"¦)

Oh padmanAbhA, worshipped (pUjita) by the most distinguished (SrEshTha) of your devotees (bhaktajana) on the sacred/excellent (SrEshThamaina) day (dinamandu) that is formed by the union (yuta) of the sacred SrAvaNa dvAdaSi, in the month (mAsa) of SrAvan (SrAvaNa)! You are the beloved (priya) of the beautiful (ramaNi) lakshmI (SrI), and the protector (pAlA) of those (jana) that seek refuge (Srita/ASrita) in you.

caraNam 3
vEda sArA! (nIvu) vEvEgamE vacci
vedanadIrparAdA? nAtO vAdA?
sadaramu ninnu sAyinhamandu
sEvincinAkhila sEvakOddhAraka (sAgara"¦)

Oh one who is the essence (sArA) of the vEdas. Are you (nIvu) unable (rAdA) to come (vacci) to me immediately/in a great hurry (vEvEgamE) and remove/destroy (dIrpa) my anxieties (vEdana)? Do you have an argument/disagreement (vAdA) with me (nAtO)? Have I not worshipped (sEvincina) you (ninnu) continually (sadaramu) [2], believing you to be the means of sAyujya mukti (sAyujyamandu) [2][3], oh Lord who uplifts (uddhArka) the entire (akhila) community of devotees (sEvaka)?

caraNam 4
pAdamE gatI gadA? pAmara dUrA!
pAlimparAdA pApashamana pAda!
nI daya kOriyunna nannu brOva
nI manasu karagadEmO? nItyarUpA (sAgara"¦)

Aren’t (gadA/kadA) your feet (pAdamE) my only succor (gati)? Oh lord who removes/destroys (dUrA) wretched men (pAmara)! Are not able (rAdA) to protect (pAlimpa) me? Oh lord whose feet (pAda) have the power to destroy (Samana) sin (pApa) [4]. Why is it (EmO) that your (nI) heart (manasu) doesn’t melt (karagadu) to protect (brOva) me (nannu), who is desirous (kOriyunna) of your compassion (daya)?

sArasa lOcana ~ sAdhu janapAla ~ sAdhu janAvana
bhAgavatA priya ~ nAgarAja shayanA

Oh lotus (sArasa)-eyed (lOcana) one! Protector (pAla) and preserver (Avana) of the good (sAdhu jana)! One who loves (priya) bhAgavatas! One who reclines (SayanA) on the king (rAja) of snakes (nAga) [5]!

[1] Sri MDR, as a student of Tiger Varadachariar, adopted the mudra ‘varada dAsa’
[2] Contextually translated
[3] sAyujya mukti is where the person becomes one/absorbed into the lord
[4] refers to ahalya SApa mOcanam
[5] AdisESa

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