गुरुवार, 23 दिसंबर 2021

अरुणाचल नाथम् स्मरामि.../ कृति : मुथुस्वामी दीक्षितार / गायन : रंजनी एवं गायत्री

" तेजोमयं शशिकोटिशुभ्रं
चिर्ज्योतिबिम्बं प्रकाशवन्तं 
गौरीसहायं अद्वैतमूर्तिं 
अरुणाचलेशं मनसा स्मरामि "

Arunachalesvara Temple, is a Hindu temple dedicated to the deity Shiva, 
located at the base of Arunachala hill in the town of Thiruvannamalai in 
Tamil Nadu, India.

मुत्तुस्वामी दीक्षितर् या मुत्तुस्वामी दीक्षित (१७७५ -१८३५), दक्षिण भारत के 
महान् कवि व रचनाकार थे। वे कर्नाटक संगीत के तीन प्रमुख व लोकप्रिय हस्तियों में से एक हैं। 
उन्होने 500 से अधिक संगीत रचनाएँ की। कर्नाटक संगीत की गोष्ठियों में उनकी रचनाऐं 
बहुतायत में गायी व बजायी जातीं हैं।

Composer : Muthuswami Diksthar
Raga : Saranga
Language : Sanskrit

अरुणाचल नाथम् स्मरामि
अनिशम् अपीत कुचाम्बा समेतम्

स्मरणात् कैवल्य प्रद चरणारविन्दम्
तरुणादित्य कोटि सङ्काश चिदानन्दम्

(मध्यम काल साहित्यम्)
करुणा रसादि कन्दम् शरणागत सुर वृन्दम्

अप्राकृत तेजोमय लिङ्गम् , अत्यद्भुत कर धृत सारङ्गम्
अप्रमेयं अपर्णाब्ज भृङ्गम् , आरूढोत्तुङ्ग वृष तुरङ्गम्

(मध्यम काल साहित्यम्)
विप्रोत्तम विशेषान्तरङ्गम् , वीर गुरु गुह तार प्रसङ्गम्
स्वप्रदीप मौलि विधृत गङ्गम् , स्वप्रकाश जित सोमाग्नि पतङ्गम्


I constantly (anisham) remember/recite the name of (smarAmi) the Lord (nAtham) of Arunachala together with (samEtam) Goddess Apitakuchamba – mother (ambA) with unsuckled (apIta-literally undrunk) breasts (kucha).

The God who (implied) grants (prada) release from the cycle of birth (kaivalya) simply (implied) by His lotus-feet (charaNa aravinDam) being remembered (smaraNat),  who resembles (sangkAsha) countless (kOTi, literally a crore) young (taruNa) suns (Aditya). He who is blissful (Ananda) consciousness (chit) incarnate (implied), He who is the original (Adi) root (kandam) of compassion (karuNA rasa) towards the flocks (vRndam) of learned men/divinities (sura) who seek refuge in him (sharaNAgata).

He whose emblem (linga) is extraordinarily (aprAkRta) brilliant (tEjOmaya(note: refers to the story of Shiva manifesting himself as an unmeasurable column of light at Arunachalam), He who holds (dhRta) a very (ati) wonderous (adbhuta) deer (sArangam – note this is the name of the raga as well) in his hand (kara), He who is unfathomable (apramEyam), He who is the lotus (abja) to the bee (bhRngam) who is Parvati (aparNA), He who is mounted on (ArUDHa) a tall (uttunga) and speedy (turangam) bull (vRsha), He who is especially (vishEsha) intimate (antarangam) with the best of the (uttama) learned men/Brahmins (vipra),  The savior (tAra) to whom the heroic (vIra) Subrahmanya (guruguha, also the signature of the composer) is devoted (prasangam) , He who bears (vidhRta) Ganga as an ornament (pradIpa) of his own (sva) top-knot (mauli), He whose own (sva) luminescence (prakAsha) surpasses that of (jita, literally wins) the moon (sOma), fire (agni) and the sun (patangam).

कोई टिप्पणी नहीं:

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