बुधवार, 20 जनवरी 2021

पञ्च पाषाण पद्यालु (संस्कृत / तेलगु ) / महाकवि कालिदास / पल्कुरिकी सोमनाथ / प्रस्तुति : वेदान्त मान्धाता


by Vedanth Mandhata 

Pancha Pashana Padyalu or Aksharanka Padyalu, are the
five toughest Telugu poems. Pancha Pashana Padyalu are
tongue twister poems.

Pashana means stone and the slokas are hard like a
stone which would be more apt in this case.

Poem 1 below is in Sanskrit by Kali Das :

Shadjamadja kharadja veedja vasudhaadja laanchithaadja khare Gnyadjatkitkit dharaadgha redghana khadjyotha veedyadbhramaa Veedyaaludbhrama tatpruta yatraya Thadhaa dadgradgra dadgradgraha Paadoutetpruta tatpruta rasathprakhyatha sakhyodayaha .

Rest four Poems 2 to 5 are in Telgu by Palkuriki Somanatha.

Practice these slokas to overcome your pronunciation
problem. These five poems are called as pancha pashana.
Means 5 toughest poems.In ancient days sanskrit / veda
learning students used to practice these poems to come
out from their pronouniation problems.

Palkuriki Somanatha was one of the most noted Telugu language 
writers of the 12th or 13th century. He was also an accomplished writer 
in the Kannada and Sanskrit languages and penned several classics in 
those languages. He was a Shaiva by faith and a follower of the 12th 
century social reformer Basava and his writings were primarily 
intended to propagate this faith. He was a well acclaimed Shaiva poet.

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