गुरुवार, 14 अक्टूबर 2021

अम्बे ! अम्बिके ! जगदम्बिके !.../ रचना : डॉ. जी. सुरेश / संगीत : कुलदीप एम. पै / स्वर : पावनी सहित नौ छोटी कन्याएँ



Rendered by 9 little gems:
Paavani Cotah, Prakruthi Raghunath, Srinidhi Kalyanasundaram,
Sreshta, Ashmita Shree, Avyakta G Bhat, Nithyashree Venkataraman,
Rakshitha Ramji, Sriranjani Balaji
Lyrics: Dr. G Suresh

Music : Composed, Produced, Directed, Recorded, Mixed, Mastered,
Video Edited, Harmonium & Transliterated by Kuldeep M Pai

अम्बे ! अम्बिके ! जगदम्बिके ! 
O Mother ! O Mother Goddess ! O Mother of  the Universe !

शैलेन्द्रराजेन सम्पोषिते,  
O the One who is nurtured by the king of mountains (Himalayas),
अगस्त्यात्रियोगीन्द्र संसेविते, 
O the One who is venerated by Yogis like Agastya and Atri,
वेदेन तन्त्रेण संघोषिते,  
O the One who is extolled by the Vedas and Tantras,
विपञ्च्या मृदङ्गेन आनन्दिते !   
O the One who is enthralled by  'Vipanchi' (Veena) and Mridangam !

धर्माम्बिके  देवि बालाम्बिके, 
O Mother, the protector of Dharma; O Devi; O Bala Tripura Sundari !
पवित्रात्मिके ब्रह्मनादात्मिके,  
O the One who is the form of purity; Who is the form of 'Brahm Nada' (Om !)
मन्दारवृन्देन सम्पूजिते, 
O the One who is worshiped by a cluster of Mandara flowers.
सदा नौमि ते पादपद्मं शिवे ! 
I prostate at thy lotus feet eternally, O auspicious One !

अम्बे ! अम्बिके ! जगदम्बिके !

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