शुक्रवार, 19 जुलाई 2019

मुल्लु कोनेया मेले (कन्नड़) / पुरन्दर दास / वासु दीक्षित


Mullu | Purandara Dasa | Vasu Dixit
A popular folk song starting, “Mullu koneya mele mooru keraya katti” 
(raga Paraz) is a maze of riddles spun by Purandara Dasa. He has 
composed many such puzzling songs called, ‘Mundige’ (allegory). 
In mundige the wordings are such that we cannot understand the 
meaning easily. The songs are full of abstract imagery and one has to 
ponder over and make out one’s own comprehension of the real theme 
of the song.
"Mullu koneya mele” is a maze of riddles spun by Purandara Dasa. The song (translation) goes like this :
"Three ponds were dug in the sharp point of a thorn, out of which
two ponds were dry and the third never got filled, Three simpletons came to the unfilled ponds, two of them were lame
and the third had no legs at all, Three buffalos were sold to the legless simpletons, two of the buffalos
were sterile and the third didn’t have any calf at all, Three sovereigns were paid for the buffalos, two of which were counterfeit
and the third was not acceptable, Three inspectors came to check the sovereigns, two of them were blind
and the third did not have eyes at all, Three villages were given as grants to the blind inspectors, two villages
were in ruins and the third was deserted, Three potters came to live in the villages, two of them were disabled and
the third didn’t have hands at all, Three pots were made by the potters, two of which had holes and the
third was bottomless, Three rice grains were cooked in the pots, two of which were spoiled rice
and the third didn’t cook at all, Three guests arrived to eat the rice, two of them were on fast and the
third was not hungry at all…” Purandara Dasa himself concludes this song saying,
“Only Purandara Vittala knows the meaning of this and no one else”

Religious commentators give Vedantic meaning to this riddle giving 
metaphorical reference to human body and soul. But we can make out 
that the riddle subtly indicates how people live in our society making 
false promises, deceiving others and priding over useless charity. 
(Courtesy: Sri MVK Narayan)

पुरन्दर दास :

सोलहवीं शताब्दी का समय, कर्नाटक के विजयनगर राज्य के उत्कर्ष का 
शानदार समय था।  
इसी राज्य की बहुमूल्य भेंट है- श्रेष्ठ कवि, महान संगीतकार, धर्मावतार 
महान संत श्री पुरन्दरदास।
जो स्थान बंगाल में गौरांग महाप्रभु का, महाराष्ट्र में संत तुकाराम का, 
मारवाड़ में मीरा बाई का, उत्तर प्रदेश में गोस्वामी तुलसीदास जी का, 
तमिलनाडु में त्याग राजा का था, वही स्थान कर्नाटक में 
भक्त पुरन्दरदास जी का था। 
उन्हें कर्णाटक संगीत का भीष्म पितामह भी कहा जाता है।

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