सोमवार, 8 अप्रैल 2019

कथकली नृत्य में नव-रस की अभिव्यक्ति


नेत्रों, अधरों की भंगिमाओं तथा मुख मुद्राओं द्वारा नव रसों का सुन्दर एवं सशक्त निरूपण 

शृङ्गारं (Love)

हास्यम् (Comedy)

करुणं (Compassion, Mercy)

रौद्रं (Fierce /Angry)

वीरं (Heroic mood) /

भयानकं (Horror, Terror) 

वीभत्सं (Disgust, Aversion)

अद्भुतं (Wonder, Amazement) 

शान्तं (Peace, Tranquility)

Kathakali is one of the major forms of classical Indian dance. 
It is a "story play" genre of art, but one distinguished by the 
elaborately colorful make-up, costumes and facemasks that 
the traditionally male actor-dancers wear.

Kathakali primarily developed as a Hindu performance art in 
the Malayalam-speaking southwestern region of India (Kerala).

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