मंगलवार, 9 अप्रैल 2019

काल्यो कूद पड्यो मेले में / राजस्थान का कालबेलिया लोक-नृत्य / अमृता (मास्को)


राजस्थान का कालबेलिया लोक-नृत्य / अमृता (मास्को)

"काल्यो कूद पड्यो मेले में"
रे काल्यो कूद पड्यो मेले में -2
साईकल पंक्चर कर ल्यायो

हो दो दिन ढब जा रे डोकरिया-2
छोरी म्हारी बाजारियों काढ़े

रे बाजा बाज रया डूंगर में-2
छोरी तने लेबालो आयो

हो जयपुर जाजे कब्जो ल्याजे-2
कब्जो लाल बूटी को

ए छोरी चटक मटक मत चाले-2
कमर.में लचको पड़ जागो

हो जल्दी सीजे रे दर्जिका -2
छोरी म्हारी सासरिये जा सी

हे काजल टिकी के नखरे में -2
छोरी म्हारी मर मत जाजे रे

ए छोरी छपरे में लुक जय रे -2
तन्नेे लेवणियो आयो

ए काल्यो कूद पड्यो मेले में-2
साईकल पंक्चर कर ल्यायो

Kalbelia folk songs and dances of Rajasthan

Kalbelia Songs and Dances are an expression of the 
Kalbelia community's way of life as snake handlers of 
the yore. The women in flowing skirts dance to the 
beat of the 'khanjari,' a percussion instrument, and 
the 'poongi,' a wind instrument. These instruments 
are made by the Kalbelias themselves from natural 
materials. On the occasion of Holi (the festival of 
colours), the Kalbelias perform a special dance. 

It is remarkable that in today’s context, the Kalbelia’s 
traditional music and dance has evolved into a creative and 
contemporary version that enthralls audiences worldwide. 
The music of the 'poongi' has a sinuous quality, which makes 
a dancer swirl and dance like a serpent. The songs also portray 
the creative and poetic acumen of the Kalbelias. 

The Kalbelias are reputed to compose lyrics spontaneously and 
improvise songs impromptu during a performance. The vast repertoire 
of songs covers all the rites of passage in their life.
Though their traditional livelihood of snake handling is relegated 
to history now, the Kalbelias have preserved their cultural practices 
and established an identity for themselves through their performing arts.


The ensemble of oriental dance "Amrita" was 
founded in 1987 as a group dedicated to the study 
of Indian dances: folk, pop, classical. 

In 1999, Arabic dances - bellydance (bellydance) were 
included in the repertoire of the ensemble, and in 2004 - gypsy. 
Today the team is a repeated champion of Russia and the World 
in the category of Indian, Arab and Gypsy dances.  

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