शुक्रवार, 22 जुलाई 2022

हॊत्तु बंदितु मत्त नोडिरि कत्ति हिडियुव जनक.../ हालागली बेदारू पद्य / कन्नड़


हॊत्तु बंदितु मत्त नोडिरि कत्ति हिडियुव जनक
सिट्टिन मंदि हलगलि बंटरु मुट्टलिल्लॊ दडक || प ||

The time came and behold Janaka wielding a sword
Angry people are angry and angry || P ||

विलातियिंद हुकुम कळिसितु कुंपणि सरकार
ऎल्ल जनरिगॆ जोर माडि कसिदु कॊळ्ळिरि हतार
हलगरहळ्ळि मुधोळ हत्तर मॆरॆयितॊ सुत्तमुत्त
पूजेरि हनुमा ब्याडर बाल जडग राम  मसलत्त
कैयान हतार कॊडबारदॊ, नावु नाल्कु मंदि जत्त
हतार होदिंद बारदु जीव सत्तु होगुवुदु गॊत्त
हॊडिरि जगळ कूडि तीर्तेवु कुमकि नम्मद्यावत्त
ऒळगिंदॊळग वचन कॊट्टरॊ ब्याडरॆल्ल कल्त.
कारकूनन कपाळक बडिदर सिपायि नॆलकबित्त
आगिंदाग दु:खद सुद्दि साहेबग होय्त || १ ||

The company government issued a decree from Vilati
Take it away loudly from all the people, Hatara
Halagarhalli is around Mudhola Thatar Mereito
Pujeri Hanuma Badara Bala Jadaga Rama Masalatta
Don't give Kaiyana Hatara, we are four
Don't rush, you know life will die
Hodiri Jagala kudi tirtevu kumaki nammdyavatta
Those who vowed from within are bad.
The soldier was knocked down by Karakoon's slap
From time to time sad news came to Saheb || 1 ||

सिट्टॆलि मुंगै कट्टनॆ कडकॊंड, हुकुम कॊट्ट  साहेबाग
कुदरि मंदि कूडि मुट्टितॊ हलगलि तळद म्याग
ऒळगिन मंदि गुंडु हॊडिदरॊ मुंगारि सिडिल सिडिद्हांग
हॊरगिन मंदि गुंड हत्ति सरिदु निंतरॊ हिडिदु दंग
कागद बरॆदु कळुव्यारॆ बेग, दंडु बरलॆंत हींग
द०ड बंदितॊ तयारागि जलद माडि  हलगलिगि ||२||

Sitteli tied his forearm and gave the order
The horses gathered together and touched the ground
When the people inside fired a shot, there was a thunderbolt
The outsiders rose up and moved and rioted
Write the paper and steal as soon as the gang comes
Get ready and prepare the water. ||2||

बॆन्नबॆन्हत्ति तिरितिर्वि कडिदरॊ एनु उळियद्हंग
नडुवॆ हाक्कॊंडु हॊडदरॊ गुंड करुण इल्लद्हंग
चटॆकाररु चौकि माडुत, नडिदरॊ हेळदॆ गुडदाग
अगसिगॆ बंदु ‘हॆबलक’ साब हेळतान
न बुद्धिमात
कॊडुतिवि कबुल केळरि मात, होगब्याडरि सत्त
अनुव मातिगॆ नंबिगॆ सालदॆ ‘हनुम’ बंदनॊ मुंदित्त ||३||

What is left of the back and forth?
If you don't put it in between, there is no mercy
Chatekars do chowki, when they go away without telling
He came to Agasi and said 'Hebalaka'
of wisdom
If you give and accept, you will hear the word, if you don't go, you will die
Anu didn't believe Hanuman's words and he came forward. ||3||

जडग हेळुतानॊ हॊडॆयिरि इवर पूर घातकरा
इसवासघातक माडिदरिवर, नंबिगिल्ल नमग पितूरा
मोस माडि नमदेश गॆदितारॊ मुंद नमग घोरा
अंदु हॊडॆदानॊ ऒंदु गुंडिगॆ आद साहेबन टारा
‘कार’ साहेब बॆंकि चूराद लूटि माडंतनॊ ऊरा
सिट्टिलॆ हॊडॆदरु सिडिलसिडिद्हांग गुंडु सुरिदाव भर्‌पूर
हनुम हेळतान गुंडु हॊडॆदकॆर कॆडवुनष्टु बार
मुन्नूर मंदि मैम्याग बंदर आग नोडॊ जोरा
भीमनु इदुरिगॆ निंता ऐनूर्मंदिगॆ मत्ता
बालनु माडिद कसरत्ता. कुदुरिय कडिदु हत्तिप्पत्ता
रामन कडित विपरीता. कालुवॆ हरितॊ रक्ता
साविर आळिगॆ ऒब्ब कूगतानॊ, कडिकडिरि अंत मत्ता
नाल्कु मंदि हिंग कडिदु सत्तरॊ हलगलि बंटरण्ण जनक ||४||

If Jadaga says, strike him, O poor exponent
We don't believe in those who commit murder
If you cheated and won Namadesh, it is terrible for us
Saheb's Tara was hit by a bullet that day
``Kara'' Saheba Benki is a looter
He whistled and there was a lot of gunfire
Hanuma said that the bullet struck him as many times as the demolition
When three hundred people came to Maimaga then look loud
Bhima stopped here and returned to Ainurmandi
The exercise done by the child. A horse's cut and fifty
Rama's reduction is extreme. Canal Harito Rakta
One shouts for a thousand soldiers
Bantaranna Janaka said that four people died after cutting the hindga. ||4||

कॊडलि कोरॆ कुड कब्बिण मॊसरु बॆण्णि हाला
उप्पु ऎण्णि अरिसिण जीरगि अक्किसक्कारि बॆल्ला
गंगळ चॆरगि मंगळ सूत्र होदवु बीसुकल्ला
हाळागि होयितु अत्तु वर्णिसि हेळलि नानॆष्टा
सिक्कद्दु तगॊंडु सरद निंतरॊ ऊरिगॆ कॊळ्ळि कॊट्टा
बूदि माड्यारॊ हलगलि सुट्टु गुर्तुळियलिल्लेळ्ळष्टु  
काणदॆ होयितॊ कॆट्टु वर्णिसि हेळिदॆ कंडष्टु
कुर्तकोटि कल्मेशन दयदिंद हाडिदॆनण्णा जनका ||५||

Dali Kore Kuda Iron Curd Butter Hala
Salt Oil Turmeric Cumin Akkisakkari Bella
Gangala Cheragi Mangal Sutra went and blew away
It was spoiled and that's all I can say
He took what he got and stood in line to take it to the town
As much as the ashes were burnt and burned
He went without seeing it and described it as bad as he could see
Nanna Janaka ||5||

हिन्दी अनुवाद (गूगल ट्रांसलेट द्वारा)

समय आया और देखा कि जनक तलवार चला रहे हैं।
गुस्साए लोगों ने ठगों को छुआ तक नहीं।।

कंपनी सरकार ने जारी किया विलाटिक का फरमान
इसे सभी लोगों से जोर-जोर से दूर करो, हटर
हलगढ़हल्ली मुधोला दस अंक के आसपास है
पुजारी हनुमा बदारा बाला जदगा राम मसाला
कैयाना की चिंता मत करो, हम चार हैं
जल्दी मत करो, तुम्हें पता है कि जीवन मर जाएगा
होदिरी जगला कुड़ी तीर्थवु कुमाकी नम्म्द्यवत्त
जो भीतर से कसम खाते हैं वे बुरे हैं।
काराकून के थप्पड़ से सिपाही गिरा
समय-समय पर साहेबगा को दुखद समाचार मिलते रहे || 1 ||

सित्तेली ने अपने अग्रभाग को बांधा और आदेश दिया
कुदरी मंडी कुड़ी मुत्तिटो हलगली तल मग
अंदरूनी लोगों ने फायरिंग की तो वज्रपात हुआ
बाहर के लोग उठे और चले गए और दंगा किया
गैंग के आते ही कागज लिखो और चोरी करो
तैयार हो जाओ और पानी के लिए तैयार हो जाओ। ||2||

आगे और पीछे क्या बचा है?
बीच में मत डालो, यह अफ़सोस की बात है
चाटेकर चौकीदारी करते हैं, चलते हैं या बिना बताए चले जाते हैं
वह पेड़ के पास आया और कहा 'हेबालका'
ज्ञान का
कदुतिवी कुबु केलरी मात, होगबादरी सत्ताः
अनुवत्तिग: नमनीय

यदि जदगा कहते हैं, उस पर प्रहार करो, हे उसके गरीब प्रतिपादक
हम हत्या करने वालों पर विश्वास नहीं करते
हम उनसे डरते हैं जिन्होंने धोखा दिया और नामदेश जीता
उस दिन साहेब के तारा को एक गोली लगी थी
``कारा'' साहेबा बेनकी एक लुटेरा है
सित्तिला मारा सिदिलासिदिधंगा गुंडू सुरीदव भरपुर
हनुमा ने कहा कि गोली उन्हें दो बार लगी
जब मैमागा में तीन सौ लोग आए तो जोर से देखो
भीम यहीं रुके और ऐनूरमंडी लौट आए
बच्चे द्वारा किया गया व्यायाम। एक घोड़े का कट और पचास
राम की कमी चरम है। नहर हरिटो रक्ता
एक हजार सैनिकों के लिए चिल्लाता है
बंतरन्ना जनक ने कहा कि हिंदगा काटने से चार लोगों की मौत हो गई ||4||

डाली कोरे कुड़ा आयरन दही दही मक्खन हल
नमक का तेल हल्दी जीरा चावल चीनी बेला
गंगाला चेरगी मंगल सूत्र चला गया बिसुकल्ला
यह खराब हो गया था और मैं बस इतना ही कह सकता हूं
उसे जो मिला वह ले गया और शहर ले गया
जब तक राख नहीं जली
मैं इसे देखे बिना चला गया और इसे उतना ही बुरा बताया जितना मैंने इसे देखा था
नन्ना जनक ||5||


Wishful feeling of the poem

There were raids and raids on the Kannada land by paradigms. The heroes stopped them and saved the honor of the Kannadigas. They became immortal through sacrifices. Narrative poems and songs describing the bravery and bright life of Intaveer Kalis.He composed songs to cheer up the people. The towns themselves have been numbered for them. Bederalavani in Halagali is a real example of that.
Halagali is Bedara's town. It is in the state of Mudhol and belongs to the present day Bagalkote district. At that time, Kaladagi was a district seat. Halagali is located at a distance of five to six kilometers to the north from here. The heroic songs of 'Halagali Bantara Hatara Kadana' are the songs of Halagali Bedara.
The British who came to India for business took the form of administration. After the First War of Independence in 1857, they issued a disarmament order on Indians. According to this legislation, Indians could not possess arms without the permission of the government and they had to surrender their weapons to the government. There were riots against this decree. The heroes of Halagali like Rama, Bala, Hanuma, Jadaga rebelled without giving up their weapons and killed an officer named Hebalak. Enraged by this, Karasaheb sent an army from Kaladagi and attacked Halagali and subdued the rebels. This ballad is a story of protest against the tyranny of the company government.

The time came and behold Janaka wielding a sword
Angry people are angry and angry P ||

Summary; The time has come for angry people to fight with swords. Such heroics
Despite their efforts, they could not reach their goal.

The company government issued a decree from Vilati
Take it away loudly from all the people, Hatara
Halagarhalli is around Mudhola Thatar Mereito
Pujeri Hanuma Badara Bala Jadaga Rama Masalatta
Don't give Kaiyana Hatara, we are four
Don't rush, you know life will die
Hodiri Jagala kudi tirtevu kumaki nammdyavatta
Those who vowed from within are bad.
The soldier was knocked down by Karakoon's slap
From time to time sad news came to Saheb 1 | |

Summary: British government (British East India Company) forced (oppression) all the people by annexation (abroad).
Orders were sent to confiscate all weapons. Halagarahalli is near Mudhol
{Halagali} Jana fought against it and became famous all around. The prominent priests of Halagali are Hanuma, Badara Bala, Jadaga, Rama
We should not give up the weapons that we have with four people. If weapons go
(Sanchakara came to our food) and conspired that our life will die. We will always be with you to help them (with those who came to take away the weapons) to end the fight. He hit the clerk on the forehead who came to take away the weapons. This sad news immediately reached Saheb (JB Setenkar).
Sitteli tied his forearm and gave the order
The horses gathered together and touched the ground
When the people inside fired a shot, there was a thunderbolt
The outsiders rose up and moved and rioted
Write the paper and steal as soon as the gang comes
Get ready and get ready to water. ||2 ||

Synopsis: On hearing this, Saheb threw up his hands in anger and gave an order to the soldiers. Then the cavalry,
The infantry joined and reached the ground of Halagali. Seeing this, the people of Halagali were like thunderbolts
Shots were fired from inside the town. Because of this, the people outside (British soldiers) rioted when the bullets fell
He stood back. Then Saheba (J.B. Setenkar) wrote a letter to his superior officer (Henry) asking for more troops to come.
Havelock)) sent. The army was prepared and rushed to the battlefield.
What is left of the back and forth?
If you don't put it in between, there is no mercy
Chatekars do chowki, when they go away without telling
He came to the tree and said 'Hebalaka'
of wisdom
If you give and accept, you will hear the word, if you don't go, you will die
Anu didn't believe Hanuman's words and he came forward. ||3||

Synopsis: The gang that came there went back and forth and twisted them and cut them down so that nothing was left.
The Chetkaras (Anglo-Indians/Indian British) were guarding the Beds and the Beds went towards the hill. Agasaheba (Henry Havelock)) comes to the main gate of the town and tells him a word of wisdom.

If Jadaga says, strike him, O poor exponent
We don't believe in those who commit murder
If you cheated and won Namadesh, it is terrible for us
Saheb's Tara was hit by a bullet that day
``Kara'' Saheba Benki is a looter
He whistled and there was a lot of gunfire
Hanuma said that the bullet struck him as many times as the demolition
When three hundred people came to Maimaga then look loud
Bhima stopped here and returned to Ainurmandi
The exercise done by the child. A horse's cut and fifty
Rama's reduction is extreme. Canal Harito Rakta
One shouts for a thousand soldiers
Bantaranna Janaka said that four people died after cutting the hindu

Synopsis: Jadaga says beat them, they are complete cheats,
The unfaithful have no faith in them. They will win our country by cheating through conspiracy. He shoots that danger awaits us ahead. Then Henry
Havelock Saheb perishes (is shot dead) so that Kara Saheb (Alexander William Carrey
A British officer) got angry and said that the whole town had been looted, then the soldiers fired like thunderbolts in anger, the bullets rained down (like a torrent). Then Hanuma said, "Let's knock down Ashtar (all) by firing a bullet. Immediately three hundred soldiers rushed on Hanuma's body.
Then the battle raged. Bhima stood in front of five hundred men, Bala played tricks with twenty horses
He cut it. Rama's excessive cut caused a channel of blood to flow. One cry for a thousand people
He says that he cut it again and again. Thus four men were cut down (destroying the British army) and died.
He is a hero to the people of Halagali.
Dali kore kuda iron curd curd butter hala
Salt Oil Turmeric Cumin Akkisakkari Bella
Gangala Cheragi Mangal Sutra went and blew away
It was spoiled and that's all I can say
He took what he got and stood in line to take it to the town
As much as the ashes were burnt and burned  
He went without seeing it and described it as bad as he could see
Nanna Janaka ||5||

Summary : Axe, sickle, pot, iron, curd, butter milk, salt, oil, rice, cumin, rice, sugar, jaggery, galangal,
Tambige, Mangalsutra, Bisuvakallu – everything was taken away and ruined. It's sad
Let me describe it as much as I can, he took everything he could find, set fire to the town and stayed away. He made ashes. Halagali
Ellasto (as much as Elkaalosto) was destroyed without leaving a mark. I described this as much as I could. of Kurtukoti
Anna sang to inform the people that Kalmesha sang it out of kindness.

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