गुरुवार, 23 अप्रैल 2020

मंगोलिआ का कण्ठ गायन (थ्रोट सिंगिंग) लाटविया के बैग पाइप एवं ड्रम संगीत के साथ

Throat singing from Mongolia and Bagpipe and Drum music from Latvia Music: Batzorig Vaanchig Lyrics: Batzorig Vaanchig

Lyrics :

"Empire of Hunnu" When conquering the world From the heart of Asia When conquering half of the World From the heart of Asia Made the sky and earth thunder Under the hooves of great horses Made the pages of history Of this world turn Nomadic caravan of Hunnu Empire Travels day and night Crosses sea and ocean Travels over far distance Crosses the rivers Conquers kingdoms and states

Batzorig Vaanchig is Mongolian musician, 
graduate of the 1995-2000 Horse-head fiddle 
class of the Institute of Culture in Ulaanbaatar. 
At present horse-head fiddle player and throat 
singer in Mongolian folk music band Khusugtun.

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