बुधवार, 2 मार्च 2022

सौन्दर्यलहरी (५१-६०) / शंकराचार्य / स्वर : सिवस्री स्कन्दप्रसाद


शिवे श‍ृङ्गारार्द्रा तदितरजने कुत्सनपरा
सरोषा गङ्गायां गिरिशचरिते विस्मयवती ।
हराहिभ्यो भीता सरसिरुहसौभाग्यजयिनी
सखीषु स्मेरा ते मयि जननी दृष्टिः सकरुणा ॥ ५१॥

गते कर्णाभ्यर्णं गरुत इव पक्ष्माणि दधती
पुरां भेत्तुश्चित्तप्रशमरसविद्रावणफले ।
इमे नेत्रे गोत्राधरपतिकुलोत्तंसकलिके
तवाकर्णाकृष्टस्मरशरविलासं कलयतः ॥ ५२॥

विभक्तत्रैवर्ण्यं व्यतिकरितलीलाञ्जनतया
विभाति त्वन्नेत्रत्रितयमिदमीशानदयिते ।
पुनः स्रष्टुं देवान् द्रुहिणहरिरुद्रानुपरतान्
रजः सत्त्वं बिभ्रत्तम इति गुणानां त्रयमिव ॥ ५३॥

पवित्रीकर्तुं नः पशुपतिपराधीनहृदये
दयामित्रैर्नेत्रैररुणधवलश्यामरुचिभिः ।
नदः शोणो गङ्गा तपनतनयेति ध्रुवममुं
त्रयाणां तीर्थानामुपनयसि संभेदमनघम् ॥ ५४॥

निमेषोन्मेषाभ्यां प्रलयमुदयं याति जगती
तवेत्याहुः सन्तो धरणिधरराजन्यतनये ।
त्वदुन्मेषाज्जातं जगदिदमशेषं प्रलयतः
परित्रातुं शङ्के परिहृतनिमेषास्तव दृशः ॥ ५५॥

तवापर्णे कर्णेजपनयनपैशुन्यचकिता
निलीयन्ते तोये नियतमनिमेषाः शफरिकाः ।
इयं च श्रीर्बद्धच्छदपुटकवाटं कुवलयम्
जहाति प्रत्यूषे निशि च विघटय्य प्रविशति ॥ ५६॥

दृशा द्राघीयस्या दरदलितनीलोत्पलरुचा
दवीयांसं दीनं स्नपय कृपया मामपि शिवे ।
अनेनायं धन्यो भवति न च ते हानिरियता
वने वा हर्म्ये वा समकरनिपातो हिमकरः ॥ ५७॥

अरालं ते पालीयुगलमगराजन्यतनये
न केषामाधत्ते कुसुमशरकोदण्डकुतुकम् ।
तिरश्चीनो यत्र श्रवणपथमुल्लङ्घ्य विलस-
न्नपाङ्गव्यासङ्गो दिशति शरसंधानधिषणाम् ॥ ५८॥

चतुश्चक्रं मन्ये तव मुखमिदं मन्मथरथम् ।
यमारुह्य द्रुह्यत्यवनिरथमर्केन्दुचरणं
महावीरो मारः प्रमथपतये सज्जितवते ॥ ५९॥

सरस्वत्याः सूक्तीरमृतलहरीकौशलहरीः
पिबन्त्याः शर्वाणि श्रवणचुलुकाभ्यामविरलम् ।
चमत्कारश्लाघाचलितशिरसः कुण्डलगणो
झणत्कारैस्तारैः प्रतिवचनमाचष्ट इव ते ॥ ६०॥


mother of all universe,
The look from your eyes,
Is kind and filled with love, when looking at your Lord,
Is filled with hatred at all other men,
Is filled with anger when looking at Ganga,
The other wife of your Lord,
Is filled with wonder, When hearing the stories of your Lord,
Is filled with fear, when seeing the snakes worn by your Lord,
Is filled with red colour of valour of the pretty lotus fine,
Is filled with jollity, when seeing your friends,
And filled with mercy, when seeing me. ॥51॥
Oh, flower bud,
Who is the headgear,
Of the king of mountains,
Wearing black eyebrows above,
Resembling the feathers of eagle,
And determined to destroy peace,
From the mind of he who destroyed the three cities,
Your two eyes elongated up to the ears,
Enact the arrows of the God of love. ॥52॥
Oh, Darling of God Shiva,
Those three eyes of the,
Coloured in three shades,
By the eyeshades you wear,
To enhance the beauty,
Wear the three qualities,
Of satvam, rajas and thamas,
As if to recreate the holy trinity,
Of Vishnu, Brahma and Rudra,
After they become one with you,
During the final deluge. ॥53॥
She who has a heart owned by Pasupathi,
Your eyes which are the companions of mercy,
Coloured red, white and black,
Resemble the holy rivers,
Sonabhadra, which is red,
Ganga which is white,
Yamuna , the daughter of Sun, which is black,
And is the confluence of these holy rivers,
Which remove all sins of the world.
We are certain and sure,
That you made this meet and join,
To make us, who see you, as holy. ॥54॥
The learned sages tell,
Oh, daughter of the king of the mountain,
That this world of us,
Is created and destroyed,
When you open and shut,
Your soulful eyes.
I believe my mother,
That you never shut your eyes,
So that this world created by you,
Never , ever faces deluge. ॥55॥
Oh, She who is begotten to none,
It is for sure,
That the black female fish in the stream,
Are afraid to close their eyes.
Fearing that the long eyes,
Resembling them all,
Would murmur bad about them,
In your ears to which they are close by.
It is also for sure,
That the Goddess Lakshmi,
Enters the blooming blue Lilly flowers,
Before your eyes close at night,
And reenter in the morn when they open. ॥56॥
She who is the consort of Lord Shiva,
Please bathe me with your merciful look,
From your eyes which are very long,
And have the glitter of slightly opened,
Blue lotus flower divine.
By this look I will become rich with all that is known,
And you do not loose anything whatsoever,
For does not the moon shine alike,
In the forest and palaces great. ॥57॥
Oh goddess, who is the daughter of king of mountains,
Who will not but believe,
That the two arched ridges between your eyes and ears,
Are the flower bow of the God of Love,?
Side glances of your eyes,
Piercing through these spaces,
Makes one wonder as if the arrows have been,
Sent through the ears. ॥58॥
I feel that the face,
With the pair of ear studs,
Reflected in the two mirror like cheeks.
Is the four wheeled Charriot,
Of the God of love.
Perhaps he thought he can win Lord Shiva,
Who was riding in the chariot of earth,
With Sun and moon as wheels,
Because he was riding in this chariot. ॥59॥
Oh Goddess, who is the consort of Lord Shiva,
Your sweet voice which resembles,
The continuous waves of nectar,
Fills the ear vessels of Saraswathi,
Without break,
And she shakes her head hither and thither,
And the sound made by her ear studs,
Appear as if they applaud your words. ॥60॥

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