बुधवार, 13 मई 2020

गुलयारखं.../ उइग़ुर लोक गीत


Gülüm-gülyar emesmu Yurtum kucha emesmu Bizni yaman dégenler Özi weyran emesmu Gülyarixan buyliring saz waydadey Gülyarixan buyliring saz waydadey Söser tumaq kiygenler Setengni tallap söygenler Anda munda kep qoyup Yürek-baghrimni ezgenler Gülyarixan buyliring saz waydadey Gülyarixan buyliring saz waydadey Duttarimma duttarim Her destide pey tari Axsham ichken sinchayning Emdi tutti xumari Gülyarixan buyliring saz waydadey Gülyarixan buyliring saz waydadey Shayida shapaq doppa, Shaptul shaxi taqaptu Kichiklite tutqan yar Nede ayrilip qaptu Gülyalar liwen yalar Liwenlerning güli sen gülyalar Ettigende shebnemde, Yoldilaydu boz toshqan Bizning qara közyarning Léwige shiker qoshqan Gülyalar liwen yalar Liwenlerning güli sen gülyalar


Isn't my flower is Gulyar(An Uyghur girl's name)?
Isn't my garden is full of flowers? Isn't my flower is Gulyar(An Uyghur girl's name)?
Isn't my garden is full of flowers? Aren't the people who called us bad are ruined themself? Aren't the people who called us bad are ruined themself? (Girls) who wear Söser-tumaq (a traditional furry hat worn
by Uyghur girls), are the (girls) who picked and loved the
handsome ones (Girls) who wear Söser-tumaq (a traditional furry hat worn
by Uyghur girls), are the (girls) who picked and loved the
handsome ones (Girls) who crush my heart by not coming (to me often) (Girls) who crush my heart by not coming (to me often) I will not be, I will not be, I will not be with you I will not be, I will not be, I will not be with you I will stay single and play around instead of being with you Gulyarixan (An Uyghur girls name) your body shape is so fine,
way dad'ey (oh my) Oh, my Dutar (Uyghur musical instruments), It has a wire. The tea I drank last night, caths my desire. (Girls) who wear Doppa (a traditional hat worn by Uyghur girls), and holding a branch of peachtree. are the (girls) who lost their childhood love somewhere. Early in the morning, a grey tail rabbit is running. That sweet girl is my beautiful Gulyarxan.

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