सोमवार, 11 मई 2020

मादर्प् पिऱैक्कण्णि याऩै.../ शिव स्तुति / थिरुनावुक्कारसर 'अप्पर' (७ वीं शताब्दी)


Thirunavukkarasar (7th Century), travelling to various temples,
sang heart rending hymns about shiva, touching people deeply.
He is known to have visited over 125 shrines scattered over a
thousand miles in Southern India, and came to be known as
“Appar” or father, a name fondly given to him by a younger
contemporary of his, Sambandar.

Despite his old age, Appar had a strong desire to see Thiruvayur,
to see Shiva. He started walking, but being over the age of 80,
his legs soon gave away. Appar then crawled towards the temple,
and soon he had many bruises on his arms and legs, but still he
went on. Shiva, impressed by his devotion, appeared and fulfilled
his desire. This was when he sang “Madar Pirai Kanni Yanai”.

मादर्प् पिऱैक्कण्णि याऩै मलैयाऩ् महळॊडुम् पाडिप्
पोदॊडु नीर्सुमन् देत्तिप् पुहुवा रवर्बिऩ् पुहुवेऩ्
यादुञ् सुवडु पडामल् ऐया ऱडैहिण्ड्र पोदु
कादऩ् मडप्पिडि योडुङ् कळिऱु वरुवऩ कण्डेऩ्

कण्डे ऩवर्दिरुप् पादङ् कण्डऱि यादऩ कण्डेऩ

हमारे प्रियतम प्रभु अर्धचन्द्रधारी हैं। 

पर्वत-पुत्री के साथ आपकी स्तुति करते हुए, पुष्प और जल ले जाने वाले 
भक्तगणों का अनुगमन करते हुए, मैं देवालय में प्रवेश करूँगा। 
पद-चिह्न लगे बिना मैं तिरुवैयारु पहुँचा, 
स्नेह-सिंचित हथिनी के साथ हाथी को आते देखा। 
मैंने उनके श्रीचरणों के दर्शन किये। 
अनेकानेक अनदेखे दृष्यों के भी दर्शन किये।
                                                रूपान्तरकार डॉ.एन.सुन्दरम 2000

Madar piraikkanni yaanai malaiyaan magalodum paadi
In praise of the glorious one, adorned by the crescent moonIn praise of the graceful daughter of the mighty HimalayasI sang in joy as I walked towards their holy abode…
Pothodu neersuman dhethi puguvaravar pin puguven
I saw devotees bringing him offerings of flowers and waterI followed them quietly, offering everything that was me
Yaadhum suvadu padaamal aiyaaradaikinra podhu
Before I needed to take another step, He fulfilled my longingHis grace has brought me to His abode at Thiruvayur!
Kaadhan madappidiyodum kaliru varuvana kanden
Like a mighty elephant and his loving female companionHe showed me the divine in forms so beautiful, I could never have imagined!
Kanden avar thiru paadham kandariyaadhana kanden
I bow down in Devotion!As I behold his divine feet with my eyesAn invaluable sight that I ever longed to see!
Valarmadhi kanniyinaanai Vaarkuzhalaalodum paadi
I sang of His brilliant crescent moonI sang of her long beautiful hairIn my yearning and devotion, I sang!
Kalavu padadhadhor kaalam Kaanbaan kadaikanikindren
I dedicated every moment of my life,to fulfill this longing to see Him!
Alavu padathadhor anbodu aiyar adaikindra podhu
He fulfilled my longing, His grace has brought me to ThiruvayurAnd filled my eyes with overwhelming sights!
Ilamana nagu tazhuvi eru varuvana kanden
Through a Majestic bull and His loving cowHe showed me the divine, in forms so beautiful, I could never have imagined!
Kanden avar thiru paadham kandariyaadhana kanden
Oh this joy I cannot contain!As I behold His divine feet with my eyesAn invaluable sight that I ever longed to see!

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