शुक्रवार, 1 मई 2020

ओ रात ! सब कुछ पहले से लिखा हुआ है... (मक़तूब) / शम्स तबरेज़ी (११८५ -१२४८) / फ़ारसी रचना


Shams-i-Tabrīzī or Shams al-Din Mohammad (1185–1248) 
was a Persian poet, who is credited as the spiritual instructor of 
Mewlānā Jalāl ad-Dīn Muhammad Balkhialso known as Rumi 
and is referenced with great reverence in Rumi's poetic collection, 
in particular Diwan-i Shams-i Tabrīzī (The Works of Shams of Tabriz)
Tradition holds that Shams taught Rumi in seclusion in Konya for a 
period of forty days, before fleeing for Damascus
The tomb of Shams-i Tabrīzī was recently nominated to be a UNESCO 
World Heritage Site.

Ya leil, ya leil
Ya leily, ya leil
Ya leily

O night!
It is written,
Everything is written..

Written in dreams..
Written in the language of dreams.

It is written, oh mankind!

Wake up in the middle of the night, get up and
prostrate yourself twice.


Put your face on the ground and rain down tears

The heart is greater than the heaven and the circling spheres,

why do you constrict it with thoughts and whispering doubts.

Why should you make the pleasant world your narrow prison

Happy the ones whose eyes sleep but whose heart does not sleep

Woe the one whose eyes do not sleep but whose heart does sleep!

Do not grieve if the darkness becomes long

When the darkness becomes long

After that brightness will be long

Lights are all friends of each other

Even if it be after a thousand years, these words will reach those

for whom they're intended.

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