बुधवार, 15 अप्रैल 2020

चला रे परदेसिया नैना लगा के.../ दादरा / पिउ मुखर्जी / पण्डित तन्मय बोस

चला रे परदेसिया नैना लगा के 
चला रे परदेसिया नैना लगा के 

आज की रैना तू रह जा विदेसिया 
सबेरे चले जइयो तू नैना लगा के 

is an expert Indian Classical Vocalist from West Bengal.
She has recieved attention and guidance of Padma Vibhushan
Vidushi Girija Devi.

She is a First Class First in M.A. (Vocal Music) from 
Rabindra Bharti University. She has also completed 
her post graduation in Islamic History& Culture and 
B.Ed. from University of Calcutta.

Pandit Tanmoy Bose is one of the most eminent Tabla Maestros.

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