रविवार, 26 अप्रैल 2020

जय-जय शंकर.../ महाकवि विद्यापति / रजनी पल्लवी


Jai Jai Shankar [ Singer : Rajni Pallavi ] Poet : Mahakavi Vidyapati (1352 – 1448) This is one of the finest song written by Mahakavi Vidyapati dedicated to Ardhnarishvara form of Lord Shiva and Devi Parvathi. However, a less known song of Vidyapati but the way he has presented the concept of one soul and two body “both male and female, both father and mother, both aloof and active, both fearsome and gentle, both destructive and constructive”, that is a praiseworthy and it makes this song a masterpiece of literary work. Do enjoy this song.
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