शुक्रवार, 12 फ़रवरी 2021

जय जयति जय रघुवंश भूषण .../ श्रीमती वाराणसी सौम्या


जय जयति जय रघुवंशभूषण, राम राजिवलोचनम्
त्रय ताप खण्डन जगत् मण्डन ध्यानगम्य अगोचरम्
अद्वैत अविनाशी अनिन्दित, मोक्षप्रद अरि गंजनम्
तव शरण भवनिधि पार दायक, अन्य जगत् विडम्बनम्

Sri Soumya Varanasi is one of the brightest
talents in the younger Generation of Carnatic musicians. 
She hails from Hyderabad and comes from a family who have been in the field of Music and Arts. Her Grand father, Shri G. V. Subrahmanyam garu served as VICE-CHANCELLOR of BRAOU, Hyderabad.
As a Child prodigy, Sri Soumya Varanasi has showed her divine music skills at a very tender age and has presented her innate talent at various platforms such as "All India Radio", "Paadutha Teeyaga" and "Bala Gandharvam".
Sri soumya varanasi is a reputed singer who sung many songs in different genres and had sung Kanna nidhurinchara song in bahubali2 movie.

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